Different VRT rules for Toyota Prius?


Registered User
There seems to be some abnormalities on the ROS VRT calculator regarding the Toyota Prius. Are there special rules about VRT on the Prius?

When I key in all the details, I see its VRT tax rate is 14%. It lists the OMSP as €24,091, so the VRT should be €3,372. But it's actually shown as €1,122!

If I key in an older Prius details, it should work out at €1,632 VRT, but it shows up as €280!

Other makes of car seem to be calculated correctly, but the Prius' VRT prices are much smaller than their percentage tax rates say they should be! How is this so?
I'm not complaining, though! It's really cheap to import a Prius , of any age into Ireland!
There was something for the hybrids alright.

How well does that work for the likes of the big lexus hybrids

400h 600h for example.
There are VRT rebates of up to €2500 for hybrids, depending on age.

Dial in Honda Civic Hybrid, Honda Insight, several Lexus models, and you'll see the same.