Diesel Schedule Price


Registered User
Hi there,
Does anyone know where I can get the the Diesel Schedule Price on an ongoing basis?

Assuming you're talking about bulk diesel cost delivered to Ireland, its notoriously difficult to get hold of ... you can get pricing info off Platts (for a fee, approx 12k per annum IIRC).

I also seem to recall a supplier in the Midlands which issued a weekly summary for much less, about 100 per month.

If you know what you paid bulk in a given week, you can use pump prices to calculate an estimate ... adjusting for duty etc. Of course that's no use if you're looking to check/estimate the margin at the pumps ...
Thanks Bootdog.

I was hoping to negotiate a Diesel price with my Supplier. If I had this information I would be in a better bargaining position. I definitely won't be paying €12,k but I might check out that guy in the midlands.