Diesel Price whats going to happen ?



1. Why is Diesel the same price or dearer than petrol ? I though someone was looking into it ?

2. Is it going to come down do ye think ?
Hi Goodsport - check out the depths for an ongoing thread on this - although you won't be able to contribute yet.
Yeah it's getting serious now
I filled my car up with V-Power from Shell this morning was 1.5c Cheaper Per/L than Diesel !
Ordinary petrol was about 6c Per/L cheaper than the diesel
He is not far wrong!

The price of diesel per litre is now in many garages 10 cents more expensive than petrol.

The Wholesaler/Garage pays less excise duty in the region of 9 cents a litre to the government so it is even more profitable for a garage to sell diesel

Due to Min John Gormleys utter incompetence in adjusting the VRT rates in a fair manner, the (VRT rates post July now favour diesel engined cars) the motorist is now being ripped off by garages charging a higher diesel price to take advantage of the switch to diesel engines after July

At least you know who to complain to!
How is it a conspiracy by the Government to claw back lost money when they haven't adjusted the tax on diesel or petrol?
Is it the Governments fault that the price of oil overall has gone up?
Why is John Gormley being utterly incompetent in adjusting VRT taxes in favour of diesel cars, he's the Minister for the Environment after all?

There is no simple single reason why the price of diesel has risen more then that of petrol. I've heard stories that it down to a shortage of supply of diesel and if that is the case then basic economic principles of supply and demand kick in.

The rip of to me is not that the price of diesel has gone up more then petrol, it's that when the price of oil goes up, oil companies raise petrol prices quickly, when the price of oil drops(as it has in the last 10 days) they are far slower at passing that reduction back to the customer

Diesel cars are still far more economical to run then petrol in the long run. And there are plenty of petrol stations that I know that charge far less then a 10c difference between petrol and diesel
According to somebody on the radio the other day (possibly worked for Maxol?), the problem is refining capacity and demand. Traditionally more people ran their cars on petrol, so companies produced more petrol. Now large numbers of people are moving to Diesel, but it takes much longer to reconfigure refineries to meet this increased demand.

I was thinking profiteering, but that's what he said.
Heard through the grapevine that Diesel prices are set to continue rising, at least until mid summer. Prices expected to reach in excess of 1.55 per/L.
We just have to accept that the days of cheap fuel are at an end.

Interestingly I was reading a book called The End of Oil last year and the author envisaged a
nightmare scenario of oil at $50 a barrel, if only!!!

We can blame whomever we want but the face is there are too many people chasing too few resources
and it’s only going to get worse.

But if you really want someone to blame why not take a look at Ronald Regan?
Basically he reversed much of the environmental legalisation born of the 70’s oil crises
including the requirement of more fuel efficient transportation, to the extent that had he left
1970’s environmental laws alone America would still be self sufficient as regards to oil.
And maybe their auto industry wouldn’t be the basket case it is today.
This could be a future solution.

[broken link removed]

BMW have already built the Hydro 7 series.

Runs on water..........

how much IS a litre of water these days?
the excise duty take on diesel was less than that for petrol up until about 3 finance bills ago - then it was brought to the same level (for what reason I don't know) - you would hope that our minister for the environment would lobby the finance minister to have the situation reversed - to encourage more diesel drivers by lessening the tax take on more environmentally friendly emissions from diesel powered cars ....
BMW have already built the Hydro 7 series.

Runs on water..........

how much IS a litre of water these days?

Ahh if only that were the case.
The Hydrogen fuel cell cars run on Hydrogen, not water. Water is the 'exhaust'.

The problem is that creating hydrogen is very expensive and (I think) uses more energy than the resulting hydrogen can produce.

If the manufacturing is sorted, of course, then it'll be a proper alternative.

Don't you know well, if the government decide to do anything to address the difference in price between petrol and diesel, they'll raise the duty on petrol to bring it back in line! I'd say there's little or no chance of them further reducing the tax take in the current economic downturn by reducing the revenue from duty on fuels.