Didn't Realise I Had To Put In Commencement Notice.


Registered User
Hi all,

First time ever being involved in anything more than painting a wall when it comes to house. Builders in the past few days doing a 7.46 m² extension, mostly to let light into a dark house. Terrifying process and waiting to get screwed at every corner.

I thought that there team were managing the commencement notices etc, could have sworn there was a conversation along those lines.

Turns out they never submitted and are putting it back on to me.

What to do? A bit freaked out to be honest.

Any advice welcome. Really appreciating reading the various threads over the past few days.
Just put it in now, I have heard of loads of people who had started and hadn't it put in(not ideal but no1 got in trouble). There is a good explanation document on the bcms site that shows you step by step what to do!I found website easy to understand and follow.
Do you have a contract in place stating what the builders are doing? All this should be thrashed out in advance. If this was missed, what else is waiting in the long grass for you.
It's actually a very straight forward process; If you are 'Opting out' in relation to the certification process, i.e. assigned certifier, etc - just make sure to read the instructions on the BCMS website, and make sure to have your Contractor's contact details (email address), as he is also required to register on the system and confirm his role as the Builder.