Didn't Enda do well for his first day in the top job?


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I still have to get used to seeing Enda in the Taioseach's spot and the blueshirts crowding out the Gov.t benches. But I was well impressed with his speeches today and his retorts to other party leaders etc." Honesty is not the best policy, it's the only policy". I think this will resonate with voters very well and hope it doesn't come back to bite him on the ass. Start as you mean to go Enda. Thoughts anyone? Out of ten I'd give him an 8 for his first day.
This morning, he said that one of the biggest challenges facing him was filling the cabinet positions, because 'there were too few jobs and too many talented people.' I thought this showed a masterly disregard for the 400,000+ who don't have one job, let alone two.
Well, given the importance of the cabinet in turning around the country and addressing the issue of unemployment etc, I would have thought this is recognised the seriousness of the roles being filled rather than any disregard to the unemployed. Not sure what you mean by two jobs, if a TD becomes a Minister then he has one job, no?
an 8 for reading??? I wish I had you as my assessor.

There is a very old phrase that springs to mind " Words are cheap".

And as for the honesty bit, yes I can see the honesty in that , we will tell you straight out that, we are going to have nice cushy jobs and we are going to have 15 junior ministers when we said we would have 12! And yes we will tell you honestly that we will install a property tax, water charges, higher vat and so on.

Enda could save us all a load of hassle by honestly telling us we are going to do exactly as the ECB/IMF tell us.

And as a proper indicator he could have reduced his salary to reflect the electorate eg he is still getting more than the UK PM. 4.5million versus 60 million. But that will drop over the next 5 years so may be sorted by next election.

I for one thought he did very well - he was well able to deal with Michael Martin's ridiculous questioning about next Tuesday's agenda (and Martin had the nerve to say that they would be constructive in opposition).