Did anyone see the Panorama programme about Scientology?

Like most things with Scientology (or any religion for that matter) it's just made up.

Most things in general are just made up, or what the individual perceives it to be. Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha, said, "With our thoughts we make the world".[SIZE=-1][/SIZE]
Re: Panorama

Certainly I won't think less of a person just because his religion is strange to me. Religious freedom is essentional.

I agree with that statement. We are lucky, I suppose, in Ireland that religious intolerence usually only takes the form of a kind of cheap, pop-culture bigotry.

Elsewhere it is a very real problem as some religious groups suffer appallingly in many nations around the world.

Long may Ireland offer a tolerant and respectful welcome to those Moslems, Jews, Christians, and other religious communities that arrive on our shores!
Re: Panorama

Yea but Scientology is not a religion, it's a moneymaking cult that takes advantage of weak-minded people. That’s why it’s banned as a subversive organisation in many countries. Read www.xenu.net and google.com for more info.
Re: Panorama

Yea but Scientology is not a religion, it's a moneymaking cult that takes advantage of weak-minded people. That’s why it’s banned as a subversive organisation in many countries. Read www.xenu.net and google.com for more info.

Where did I say it was? Read back over the thread for remarks made on religion in general.