Did anyone else get the 'No need to ever miss your Metro again! email?'


Registered User
I got an email this morning announcing an electronic version of the Metro freesheet. See [broken link removed] for the UK editions, though I'm not sure there is any real difference between the Irish and UK editions.

I'm very curious as to where they got my email from. I'm pretty sure I've never registered with or contacted the Metro. I didn't think it was possible to buy/lease/use email address lists in Ireland. Are there list brokers out there with lists of Irish users?
Well they really could have got it from anywhere.
I've long given up wondering where companies get my email address. For persistent emails I just set up a filter to automatically delete. gmail seems to get rid of the vast majority of spam, with only one or two false positives/thousands.
I get the usual complement of spam of course, normally picked up by MS Outlook, and I don't lose sleep over this. However, I am more than curious to find a lar.ge organisation like the Mail got my email address, and did they breach Data Protection legislation
Doubt it. If you think hard enough, you'll probably discover that you gave them your address at some stage, or else you gave it to someone else and authorised its use to third parties. How on earth do you think they got it otherwise?
I assumed, maybe incorrectly, that it was related to independent.ie as I have received mails from them since I signed up to view the indo?
I got that e-mail too, and figured it was because I signed up for that Urban Life thing they do. Then I got it in another Hotmail account that I know for sure I didn't use to mail them. (And hadn't actually thought about it until I read this thread). Hmm. Mind you, the reason I have a few free e-mail accounts set up is purely for this sort of thing, so it doesn't bother me all that much how they got the address. Every seller of fake Rolex watches and assorted medications has it too :p
They could have got your email address from a load of different sources. If you ever signed up to something before it is lilkely some terms and conditions stated your email address can be passed onto others etc...
Ever entered a competition?

Google desktop found the acknowledgement email from a competition that I entered last year, with no indication that my email address had been retained for future use. Seems like a pretty clear breach of Data Protection legislation to me. Time for another [broken link removed].
I got that e-mail too, and figured it was because I signed up for that Urban Life thing they do. Then I got it in another Hotmail account that I know for sure I didn't use to mail them. (And hadn't actually thought about it until I read this thread). Hmm. Mind you, the reason I have a few free e-mail accounts set up is purely for this sort of thing, so it doesn't bother me all that much how they got the address. Every seller of fake Rolex watches and assorted medications has it too :p

I don't think it's from the Urban Life survey. I do that survey but didn't get the email mentioned above.
Time for another complaint to the Data Protection Commisioner.

[broken link removed]