Did anyone else feel the earthquake?


Registered User
There was an earthquake at 3.26am this morning 30 miles off Bray Head - did anyone else feel it? :eek:

It was a frightening/fascinating experience with a very low pitched rumble with the bed vibrating for about 4 or 5 seconds and then silence again!
Hmmm - I get this quiet a lot after a beer and kebabfest. Wasn't followed by a foul yet tolerable odour was it ?
Did delboy have a curry last night ;) ?

But seriously folks ..

a colleague of mne who lives in Greystones was woken by it, specifically by his dog barking. Other colleagues who live in the area but heard nothing were making fun of him 'til they saw the story on the RTE News site.
Yup, the rumbling noise woke me first and the house shook for few seconds. Reminded me of my days living in California.... See here for some info.
I slept through the '84 one... I was hoping to experience one in California last week but no such luck.
We live in Rathfarnham, my insomniac son was on his computer about 3.15 am and heard a loud rumbling noise which he thought was a plane. He noticed the knocker on our front door was vibrating too!!
I experienced quite a strong one in Egypt some years ago - the chair tilted several inches and my typewriter slid off the desk - didn't have a clue what was happening. I also remember the '84 one, went into labour hours later with the insomniac son.