Dictionary definitions - religion

Dave Vanian

Registered User
Hi all,

(1) Wondering if anyone can explain in simple English the difference between an atheist and an agnostic. There's no punchline here, by the way - the dictionary definitions are so technical I'm never sure what's what.

(2) Personally, I believe that there may well be a higher power in existence in our universe, which hasn't been and may or may not ever be discovered and/or explained by science. You can call this higher power God if you like but I don't subscribe to any of the rituals associated with any of the organised religions I've ever seen. Is there a word to describe my belief?

I'm not seeking a debate or discussion on beliefs, but would welcome input from someone with a better knowledge of English than me.

I always thought, an atheist just didn't believe in god/higher power etc so has nothing to do with religion but an agnostic is someone who doesn't really believe but isn't entirely sure so opts out of attending religious ceremonies etc.

Probably wrong! :rolleyes: