Development fees


Registered User
Hi...hoping for some advice please.

Planning permission granted for holiday home in 2006 by Donegal coco. Extension granted in 2011 until september 2016.
I've already paid the 16.5k development fee to Donegal coco, a couple of years ago.
If my planning lapses in September 2016 (as looks likely as I have not begun any works) will I forfeit the 16.5k development fee?
If I were to successfully reapply for planning permission would I have to pay the development fee again?

Thanks for any help.
If you didn't actually develop on site then you are due a refund or credit for future development levies
Thanks for the advice. My solicitor indicated I was not going to get a refund....although it seemed like he wasn't talking from direct experience. Is this something I should go directly to the planning office to confirm?
You will not forfeit the development contributions on the basis that you have not enacted the planning permission granted in 2006 and extended in 2011. Contact you planning office directly to discuss refund of payment when your permission lapses.
Talk to local councillor. The council have no basis for charging for s location that has not been developed on. Obviously you are liable for future development at the prevailing rates - higher or lower , if they have been reviewed over the years