Desperate smell from kitchen sink


Registered User
Bad smell from kitchen sink for awhile. Just discovered dead type rodent or bird:eek: in outside kitchen window drain. problem is the grill thing seems clicked into place. it wont give and i dont want to break it. Any advice Pleeaasse:mad:
use two screwdrivers to lever up grill (gently),they are easily broken but don't worry as replacements are cheap and available in any good hardware shop
the smell should not come up through the sink. the water trap under the sink should stop the smell...
thanks for advice allo, kkman what does trap under the sink mean?
its an s bend in the water pipework under the sink. the bend causes a water trap which does not allow smells from the drain to enter the kitchen
We are in the same boat as the OP - kitchen is plumbed for washing machine (which we have) & dishwasher (which we don't) From time to time, we get a noxious whiff in the kitchen from the sink. Neighbours with a dishwasher plumbed in don't have this problem... so we're moving the tumble dryer to the shed & getting a dishwasher next week!
We are in the same boat as the OP - kitchen is plumbed for washing machine (which we have) & dishwasher (which we don't) From time to time, we get a noxious whiff in the kitchen from the sink. Neighbours with a dishwasher plumbed in don't have this problem... so we're moving the tumble dryer to the shed & getting a dishwasher next week!
there might not be a problem with your machines at all. sometimes dodgy plumbers install washing machines without a water trap. washing machines, dishwashers and sinks should all have an s bend water trap, otherwise you will get what you described as a "noxious whiff". no need to move your machines at all i suspect..
We had this exact problem. I spent about €700 euro getting the drain looked at and rebuilt, as the concrete was cracked. We waited with baited breath and sure enough the smell came back. It turns out that the idiot who installed our kitchen actually ran a pipe from the drain into the kitchen, obviously with the intention of using it as the outpipe for the washing machine or dishwasher, then decided not to use it. Only when I completely pulled out washing machine and dishwasher did I see the "spare" pipe. I blocked it up and thank god that was the end of the smell.
Is it possible that where a dishwasher or washing machine is plumbed into the waste pipe of the sink, that running one of those appliances causes the sink trap to be emptied, thus breaking the water seal and letting stink in?

I''m thinking in terms of the machines draining causing suction which pulls the water out of the s bend, is that possible?

Also possible that the appliances don't have a trap. Anything is possible based on cowboy builders or bad DIY.
Is it possible that where a dishwasher or washing machine is plumbed into the waste pipe of the sink, that running one of those appliances causes the sink trap to be emptied, thus breaking the water seal and letting stink in?

I''m thinking in terms of the machines draining causing suction which pulls the water out of the s bend, is that possible?

Also possible that the appliances don't have a trap. Anything is possible based on cowboy builders or bad DIY.

Very unlikely to be a siphonage problem. because an appliance does not have a trap doesn't mean its wrong, If the waste pipe servicing an appliance runs directly to a main sewer, it needs to be trapped. If the waste pipe servicing the appliance is routed over a gully, it doesn't need to be trapped as the gully is trapped and there is a air break between waste pipe and top of gully.
Check the overflow pipe between the trap and sink to ensure nothing unpleasant somehow got stuck in there.
make sure there are no cracks in pipe under sink.