Derren Brown - The Event - How did he predict the lottery numbers?

He did the maths calculations. He didn't show the winning numbers to his team before the draw.

Thats because thats not how he did it.

Very disappointing. There is no way in the world that Derren Brown did a live show last wednesday night, aired to millions, correctly predicting the lottery numbers, based on 3 practice rounds of psychic writing with 24 people. No way.

The giveaway that thats not how he did it was not showing the team the numbers.

And lets face it - there was no mouse in the box, and no knife under the cup, there was no lottery prediction using the wisdom of crowds.
It would have been interesting if he had turned around the podium with the predicted numbers immediately BEFORE the actual lottery numbers was drawn. We could have watched in awe as each number was drawn and matched one of the predicted numbers.
So the clue is in the fact that no-one saw the predicted numbers until after the draw.....
The giveaway that thats not how he did it was not showing the team the numbers.
The giveaway is that he's claiming he predicted the numbers, which he didn't do. Ockham's razor might suggest that he probably used a split screen.
The giveaway is that he's claiming he predicted the numbers, which he didn't do. Ockham's razor might suggest that he probably used a split screen.

I agree.

Actually Ive gone past wondering how he did it and am now thinking that the whole thing is actually part of some other elaborate trick - for example, was he sending out subliminal messages during last friday nights show that only those who saw it will be 'glued' to their seats this friday night

Or am I getting way too complicated here?
You're getting too complicted.

What he did thr last night was absolute rubbish.It sucked big time.

Like - if he doesn't want to tell us how it was done then fine. But he shouldn't go arond promising us he will in the first place in that case.

For what it's worth i am satisfied it was probably a split screen.

Before the friday show i assumed it couldn't be a split screen because that would be one rubbish trick.
Basically all it takes is someone with the technical know-how to set it up - in fact you couldn't even call it a trick. It would instead be an illustration of someones technical ability.
So for those reasons i assumed it wouldn't be that lame.

However - i have now changed my mnd and have decided it was indeed that lame.

The reason being, before he did the trick Derren would have known some people would have assumed it was just some camera trick.
Therefore - to eliminate that from peoples minds all he had to do was do the trick in front of a live audience - (whch is what he does for all his tricks anyway.)

So he obviously had a reason for not doing it in front of an audience. Which leaves me with no other conclusion other than it was some camera trickery.

Like - how awful a trick is that !!

Derren - if you're reading,. i seriously think this idea backfired. You certainly went down in my estimation anyway.

There were some verbal subliminals used alright, very much in keeping with his usual style. Obviously don't know what these are to be used for yet, however I noticed, for instance, at the outset of Friday's show, he said something like "last Wednesday I was handsome enough to predict the lottery numbers..."

He subsequently said that he didn't predict the bonus ball because everyone knows that the bonus ball is "for women and gays"

I always expect something to come of such seeming malapropisms at a later stage
Twas all a bit dull in the end wasn't it?

Anyway, I think there's enough clues around between the two.

1. Relate his first "tricks" on the friday to the Lotto one. It wasn't about demonstrating predicting what people would do as the idea of suggestion. There was no mouse, there was no knife. At the start of the live prediction he told us what wasn't used. I would hazard a guess it's one of the lesser extreme ones. Simplest answer is not split screen but the delay, he even told us to expect a delay of a second, but did anyone check? flicking between the two channels wouldn't have shown anything, you'd need to have a separate tv running to really see.

2. Misdirection. The whole last bit about group predictions was clearly nonesense and established to be, it was the misdirection. In the live show he had enough subtle misdirection to draw people to either him (his hand over his mouth) or the stand (for those who chose to stare at this), naturally these were where he wanted people to focus on.
If only the "hidden assistent" had dropped one of the balls so that is magically just bounced along by Derrens legs.