Derren Brown - The Event - How did he predict the lottery numbers?


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Anyone see it? How did he do it? The reveal is on Friday.

Some forums are talking about using split screens etc...but thats too simple for Derren Brown, I reckon its going to be more like The System, a lot of work to produce an amazing trick.

Any thoughts anyone?
Spilt screens would be a bit of a let down as it doesn't involve much of Derrens trickery. It is just a technical excercise in that case.
The answer is in the advert running before the show in that he's been working on "misdirection".

It will be simple and we will probably kick ourselves, but it will just have been a simple illusion.
The answer is in the advert running before the show in that he's been working on "misdirection".

Well I know that!!! Derren Brown has never pretended to be 'magic' - he always shows how its done. What Im asking is, does anyone have any ideas about HOW it was done.

It will be simple and we will probably kick ourselves, but it will just have been a simple illusion.

Im reckoning that he has employed massive resourses but just showed us the one little bit that makes it look 'wow'.

The point being that misdirection involves very simple trickery rather than a more ellaborate set up.

I'd agree it isn't going to be technical trickery, such as split screen, etc, just because that's not how he performs his tricks. However, it will no doubt be something extremely simple.
I read somewhere that this trick requires a chalk pentagram, a virgin sacrifice and the right incantation from page 66 of the necronomicon.

Depends what you mean by elaborate, The System was a very simple concept but used 7776 people to begin with, filtering down by a factor of 6 for each race until he had 1 winner. Thats a pretty elaborate start point imo.

I feel a niggle about the 30 or so seconds he used to write down the numbers in the correct numerical sequence. Thinking about it, he could only have known the correct numbers after they had been drawn right? So the trick had to happen in that 30 or so seconds.

I see your point on elaborate, but The System is a fairly common scam and usually done on a much bigger scale (it even featured in a Simpsons episode). But yeah, it takes some setting up.

I'd echo sylvester though, I'd feel very let down if there wasn't some form of blood sacrifice in order to achieve this.
I'd echo sylvester though, I'd feel very let down if there wasn't some form of blood sacrifice in order to achieve this.

Blood sacrifice and perhaps some jiggery pokery with a machine made by Tesla and the reveal being that Derren Brown has made millions of clones of himself - as many as there are combinations to the lottery numbers, and he simply cut to the correct clone + numbers when the lottery was drawn?
I didn't see it but it sounds a bit like something he did before involving members of the public being advised to back a certain horse - their horse always won.

He explained it all of course but don't ask me to explain it now.

Edit: oh sorry I think that's what you were all talking about re 'The System'.
I didn't see it but it sounds a bit like something he did before involving members of the public being advised to back a certain horse - their horse always won.

He explained it all of course but don't ask me to explain it now.

That was The System, he started with 1296 members of the general public and they were texted to watch a certain race, with a certain horse to win - he covered every combination of possibilities.

The 216 winners were then texted to bet on a certain horse in a certain race, again covering every combination of possibilities.

The 36 winners were then phoned by Derren and told a certain horse in a certain race and to put on a bigger bet.

The 6 winners were (at this stage totally sucked into it) then met individually by Derren and given a certain horse in a certain race to win.

The winner was met at a racecourse by Derren and encouraged to bet a huge sum (4 grand I think) - the horse lost but Derren told her he'd actually bet on a different horse (accidently) and it happened to be the winner, he gave her the winnings - in fact he had bet on all 6 himself.

Or something like that - it may have started 1 level higher with 7776 people - I cant quite remember, but it was very cool.

The first 40 minutes or so of the program just followed the 1 girl who won in the last race, at some point the contestants were sent out camcorders to record themselves - so to the viewer (who wasnt seeing any of the losses) just watched this one girl win, then win, then win etc...

He showed how it was done using a different example where he showed himself flipping a coin and getting heads 10 times in a row, with a clock on the wall behind to prove it was an uninterrupted stream. What he didnt show was he had spent 8 hours (or so) flipping that coin knowing that the odds would eventually come up in his favour of 10 flips heads up. So there were hours of footage - but only the few seconds of all heads up were shown.
I must say, I like this guy. I have watched some of his live shows (well, on know what I mean ) and have been blown away by how its done. Great entertainment.
Seen him live in Belfast before and will be goign again in April - a great nights entertainment. Well worth seeing.

btw no idea how he guessed the Lottery numbers, but will definitely be checking out his show on Friday to see the answer.

don't think he'll be giving us the answer we all want, otherwise the Lotterys would be defunct.

Can't think he actually has a system, more a trick.
He's obviously written out millions of all possible combinations, and then displayed the winning one.
My prediction for this evening is either some very elaborate set up based on an extremely simple idea. (like having all combinations ready and sleighting in the correct one at the relevant moment)

Or some kind of jiggery pokery with mirrors or camera angles - but not something as obvious as a split screen or cgi - more like a scenario that 'could' have been done in front of a live audience but they used tv to reach more people.

I will kick myself when the reveal is made tonight because its probably totally obvious and I just havent thought of it
Derren Brown has never pretended to be 'magic' - he always shows how its done.
Derren is great at what he does. I haven't seen his recent stuff. I have seen him 'explain' tricks but he'd actually tried to trick the audience into believing that the trick was more complex than it really was. Don't believe everything he says.

Well his show and relevation last night was all a bit of a letdown for me.

I knew he wasn't going to reveal anything really. I mean are we really meant to believe that he predicted all 6 lotto numbers by using 24 peoples random scribblings and taking the average of them? Come on Derren.

He revealed nothing. And God was that show padded out !! Could have lasted 10mins.
Completely agree RCMF, a complete load of crap is all that show was last night
He did the maths calculations. He didn't show the winning numbers to his team before the draw.