Deposit Scams Advertised on Google


Registered User
Has anyone any experience of saving/investing via this website? Nothing advertised, you need to submit an enquiry. Got contacted by someone claiming to be from RBS International but I'm not so sure its legit. Why all the smoke and mirrors?
It's a scam.

Same as this:
Has anyone any experience of saving/investing via this website? Nothing advertised, you need to submit an enquiry. Got contacted by someone claiming to be from RBS International but I'm not so sure its legit. Why all the smoke and mirrors?
Do RBS still exist? Thought it was rebranded as Nat West?
For the record, I reported both sites to the Central Bank and after a couple of days got a nice reply back basically saying not to touch them with a barge pole..
Sadly this website is still appearing in Google search results. Worse it is still appearing in Google advertisements.

Brendan reported the website back in May. Homer911 did too. I did as well.

Why on earth does Google not take action? Is there any way to escalate a complaint?
There was a piece in the Irish Times I think about the Central Bank saying that they should take more responsibility.

So maybe complain to Derville Rowland? It's a great example where three of us have complained.

I'll do that. Makes sense that the CBI should be working with Google on preventing scams. And Google should obviously be taking action when illegal websites are reported.
I just googled best savings rates Ireland and I am fairly sure that the first one is a scam site.

No contact details. returns of
  • Yearly Returns from 4.52% - 7.81%
Well done Lightning - you have saved some people from being scammed.

1) There is no information on their website about who they are.
2) There is no regulatory information
3) There is simply no information of any kind, you have to email them.

All the hallmarks of a scam.

I wonder if you reported it to the Central Bank would they issue a warning notice? Then you could send that to Google.

They issue them frequently.

I wasn't aware the CB issued warnings. Are these reported in the newspapers? Does google check the CB website for warnings and then remove the ads?

Does the CB have one single list of all scam financial websites? So that if I were investing I could go there and check first.

@Lightening how do you report to google?
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@Bronte - You report a Google advert by clicking the 3 dots beside the advert and then clicking report ad.

@Brendan Burgess - Agreed that the website has all the hallmarks of a scam. I am going to challenge the Google decision. Good idea on CBI reporting.

@mathepac - Well done on reporting this to the CBI. Please let us know what they say.
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Grrrrr ... the link that Google provide, in their emails, to dispute their decision does not work. :mad::mad:. Another example of the awful approach that Google have with reporting and identifying scams (and not self-identifying scams on their side).

I have re-reported the advert to Google and used stronger and clearer language to explain.

I will also report the website to the CBI too for being an unauthorised deposit taker.
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