Deposit on car - refundable?

  • Thread starter KevinFaulks
  • Start date


I paid a 10% holding deposit on a new car ten days ago but have not yet signed a contract.

My circumstances have changed I don't now want to proceed with the purchase.

Am I entitled to have the deposit refunded ie. not having signed a contract for sale ?

Many thanks for any advice.
I would expect that the whole point of making you put down a deposit, was to make sure that you did not do what you are about to do....

The person you were dealing with will now have to start the sales process all over again, so I would be very surprised if they agreed to return your deposit
Your post is not clear, if you paid a deposit to an SIMI dealer you should have paperwork / contract, If it was private then no, I've sold my own private cars over the years and a deposit is a deposit, I've had calls from people interested in my car after I took a deposit and didn't allow them come view the car as in my opinion myself and the deposit provider had concluded a deal and I had accepted a deposit, I would not give it back if the buyer simply changed their minds which happened once a long time ago.