deposit on affordable house



hi there, im wondering does anyone know if you are entitled to get your deposit back on an affordable house? i was offered a house by one county council but the house was in with social housing & despite the house itself being lovely , the estate wasnt the best. i put the deposit down last october & to date am still waiting for a contract. then, last week i was offered a different house by a different county council in a private estate & i really want this one. i have to put a deposit down on this one too but im worried that i wont get my first deposit back? no contracts have been signed on it, does anyone know?
Are you referring to the booking deposit? You'll get that back non problem...but you may be able to get them to transfer that deposit to the new house.
Best thing is to talk to the councils in question.
i was offered a house by one county council but the house was in with social housing & despite the house itself being lovely , the estate wasnt the best. then, last week i was offered a different house by a different county council in a private estate

Maybe the residents in the private estate won't want AH people moving in next door to them :rolleyes:
yes, its the deposit i paid to accept the house ..since i sent that to them my solicitor has been hounding them for a contract & to date nothing has been received which works out to be a good thing as if they had been received 2 weeks ago i would have signed them. i also had to pay admin costs . i doubt very much i will get that back.
and yes im sure the people in the private estate wont be too impressed but the builder had to give a percentage to affordable housing im sure this was pointed out to them when they purchased initially.
? yes but i thought it was my only chance to purchase a property so i decided to take it. when this other house came up it was in a better location, i dont think theres anything wrong with that?
definately once you have not signed any contracts you should get back the desposit you have given to City Council
HI bigfattelepha

Well done on getting on the property ladder and you are right to go for the house that makes you happy.People like bren1916 cause trouble out of nothing sad really

thanks franklin, hopefully it will all work out in the end.. cheers