My mother is included in my fathers pension as a dependent adult. Hers is non contributory, my father also has a small weekly private pension. Combined pensions they pay a small amount of tax, purely because we cant claim a paye tax credit against my mothers pension. Is there something we are missing? He is paying tax of circa €1200 a year which should be wiped out if mam had a paye tax credit.
Para. 3.1 of this revenue document [link] states that
where an individual in receipt of a social welfare pension has an increase to the pension for a ‘qualifying adult dependent’, only one Employee Tax Credit is due
against the total pension – see section 126(2B) TCA 1997
The Age Tax credit is another example of an unfair tax provision!
Why in the name of God (or the Buddha) should a wealthy old pair of pensioners like me and the lady wife both get an extra tax credit for the exceptional achievement of one of us having managed to have reached his 65th birthday? (Bear in mind that lower income pensioners won't derive any benefit whatsoever from this sop to the reasonably wealthy.)
(And don't get me started on the centenarian's Bounty!!!)
Why in the name of God (or the Buddha) should a wealthy old pair of pensioners like me and the lady wife both get an extra tax credit for the exceptional achievement of one of us having managed to have reached his 65th birthday?