Dentist in Krakow


Registered User
Would any ex-pats who have lived in or near Krakow be able to recommend a good dentist there? I'm going in the beginning of May for a week and want to get a crown done while I'm there.
I was over in Jan getting some work done. A crown and about 10 fillings... my girlfriend is from Krakow so know her way around. We went to this dentist and he was great. Very professional, really nice guy and reasonable prices. Also make sure to get your tax forms filled out as you can claim against that for work anywhere in the EU.

I got a porcelain crown as it was one of my front teeth and it took around three one hour appointments for that.


P.s. Book in advance if you only going for a week...
P.p.s. Ask for Thom, the nurses don't speak English, it's only the dentist that does.
Remember that your standard travel insurance won't cover travel for medical treatments.
darraghdog said:
I was over in Jan getting some work done. A crown and about 10 fillings... my girlfriend is from Krakow so know her way around. We went to this dentist and he was great. Very professional, really nice guy and reasonable prices. Also make sure to get your tax forms filled out as you can claim against that for work anywhere in the EU.

I got a porcelain crown as it was one of my front teeth and it took around three one hour appointments for that.


P.s. Book in advance if you only going for a week...
P.p.s. Ask for Thom, the nurses don't speak English, it's only the dentist that does.

Hi Darragh

Just to tell you that Tom was asking for you. When I explained to him that I hadn't actually met you and how your recommendation came about he was very impressed.

I was also very impressed with his work so thanks a lot.
Joanmul, how much did you save on the job compared to a dentist here? excluding flights + accom
Hi Michael

The two crowns cost approx €500 - I was quoted €1000 each here. Two of the fillings were approx €100. They were for back teeth and were kind of prepared as inserts and then cemented into place. The other three were ordinary fillings. I had never had the 'inserts' before so I don't know how much they would be - if indeed they are available here. So, that leaves €300 for the three fillings and preparation work for the whole lot.

Also the crowns are tax refundable with a Med11 form.