Dental Implant


Registered User

I have a dental implant - got about two years ago. I paid 6000 for it (vanity I know but they are front teeth and I was always concious of the gap so i saved!). But its been a disaster - they are either falling out - or the porcelein keeps breaking. I got it done in the North. They will cement it back in again when it falls out or do a what I would call a filling to fix the bits that break off. The last time i went - they charged me 90euro for the priviledge of removing the implant, sending it back to manufacturers to have the porcelein put back on again.

I'm not a complainer but surely an implant that cost so much should not be causing this many problems. Any one with any experience with implants.

I fancied one as I have lost a front tooth, presently waiting for healing to finish so I can have a Maryland Bridge. My dentist said that implants have a poor success rate if you are a smoker or have less than excellent hygiene as the titanium gets irritated and enflames the surrounding area, why not try a more local dentist for an opinion rather than keep going to the North?
in general implants do not fail due to inherent issues with the technology.
More usually there is a biological reason to do with bone or bite
ask your dentist for reason this is happening.
consider a second opinion also.