Dental dilemma


Registered User
Hi, I am in a bit of a quandary about my tooth.

I have a back tooth that is a root canalled tooth, I recently got an abscess that was very severe and ended up in the hospital with 2 strong courses of antibiotics.

My 2 options were, either get the tooth pulled out, or get it re-done by a specialist which will cost about €2,000 and I’m worried after paying all that money that the abscess may come back again. Do they recur? Has anyone any idea what causes it?

It has all cleared up now (pain forgotten) and I’m booked into get the tooth pulled out at 5 today

If I get this tooth out, I will have no back teeth, and will need to get a denture. Someone is just after telling me that they cost about €2,000 also.

I really cant make up my mind, if you’d asked me a few weeks ago I’d have begged to get it out, but now I’m worried about being toothless in my twenties. But I also don’t want a bad tooth making me sick.

Any advice would be great.
I'm not clear what the question is - if it's whether you should get it out or try to save it then I presume that your dentist would be better placed to advise you than anybody here.

As we all know you are correct in your assumption that Clubman is a robot - please see below taken from AAM Glossary of terms:-

I guess I was just hoping someone would tell me not to get it out, and then I could chicken out. I'm in fits laughing here lads, thanks a million.
I'm just a bit nervous I suppose, thanks again for cheering me up
You really need to talk to your dentist about this. I had a root canal done recently, also in a back tooth. I wanted to get it pulled (much cheaper and easier done) but after my dentist explained the implications of it being taken out versus have a root canal done I decided to go for the root canal. At the time he did say that he should be able to "fill" the tooth and that I wouldn't need a crown (that costs thousand or so to get done) - eventually I will probably need to get a crown done but at least I'll have somethinig in the back to chew with. He made the point to me that with one less tooth at the back I'd be likely to start using the other side of my mouth more often thus putting more strain on those teeth.

Anyway, make sure you know exactly what each option involves before going ahead with anything. Find out exactly what the implications are for getting a crown, denture, having tooth out etc. And try not to panic and make the decision purely based on cost, which, given the price of some treatments is easy to do.
I think that the issue here is not one of whether you should have an extraction, but whether you can afford root canal treatment.

In this day and age nobody should have a tooth pulled. It is far too barbaric, leaving you in pain for at least two weeks.

€2000 is excessive, even in the republic (more likely to be €600). Go to the north of Ireland for treatment at a fraction of the price e.g O3 Dental Studio. Look up Golden Pages for NI dentists and get a quote over the phone.

Getting a tooth out should be a very last resort.
I`m not a dentist but it reminds me of the time when the washing machine was faulty.....should I try to fix the faulty part or put in a new part.In the end I went for the new part.Machine is as good as new now!
Seriously, a lot of posts on crowns and root canals previously.Check them out.
Also, can recommend McEnhill in Enniskillen.
London or Manchester are also good options as NI dentists seem to be upping prices just to make us southerners feel at home.
No I already have a root canal done on the tooth, so it will have to be re-rooted (by a specialist) and then crowned and then there still is no guarantee how long it will last.
And I could still get the abscess back. It is really on its last legs.
I will do a search like you said for other posts about teeth.
Thanks for the advice, it's giving me something to chew on alright hahaha
Hi Pricilla, sorry to hear about your tooth trouble and you're so young as well.

I'm not a dentist either, but have had a few root canals done and would advise you to save the tooth if at all possible, of course on the advice of your dentist.

The problem may lie with your dental hygiene - I also had lots of problems with teeth being too close together to floss, but which had a large gap at the gum.

Solved the problem with those tiny little brushes you can get the the Pharmacy - people who have braces use them. They're brilliant and I don't have any more problems with inflamed gums etc.

Best of luck!

P.S. efm - no offence to ClubMan, but your post was hillarious!
Thanks Delgirl but unfortunately I can't take any credit for it! - I copied it verbatim from the old ezboard AAM Glossary of Terms.

I actually reckon that Clubman wrote it himself to perpetuate the myth that he is omniscient and omnipresent!

If you only have that one remaining tooth at the back it's probably not doing much to help you chew anyway. If it was me I would have it removed and go for the dentures. BUT I would go to a highly recommended dentist in order to get the perfect plate. Dentures can have a negative affect on people's enjoyment of food - so go for the best (and probably the most expensive).
efm said:
Thanks Delgirl but unfortunately I can't take any credit for it! - I copied it verbatim from the old ezboard AAM Glossary of Terms.

I actually reckon that Clubman wrote it himself to perpetuate the myth that he is omniscient and omnipresent!
No - Brendan wrote it.
Hi, just to let you know, I got it out yesterday and I'm delighted.
The blood shot out across the room and the dentist said "oh This post will be deleted if not edited immediately Christ" and I thought I was a gonner! Then I nearly fainted and he put the seat back and I was grand.
It was a total monster of a tooth, my dad said it was like a bit of a bicycle haha
When I saw it afterwards I was really glad, it was broken way below the gum line and would have given my trouble again.
Now there's a bit of my jaw exposed, it looks awful but doesn't hurt at all. Thanks for all the kind words yesterday, it was a total success and I shouldn't have been worrying. Yay! Bring on the toothfairy, I should get a good few quid for that one
I think the tooth fairy charges for disposal of pulled teeth these days. Bloody rip-off Ireland!

You know this reminds me of a story my uncle often tells me about a friend of his
The man was on his death bed, basically taking his last few breaths and he pulled his false teeth out of his mouth and fired them into the bin, and said "I won't be needing them b*stards where I'm going anyway"
It makes me laugh every time I think about it.