Dell & Questionable Advertising?


Registered User
Just curious if anybody else gets weekly promotional offers by e-mail from Dell Ireland <>?

I got one today offering a Dell Inspiration Laptop from €469 excl vat & delivery. When I click on the link a new page pops up showing an image of an Inspiron 2200 for €469 excl vat & delivery. However, when you click to customise & buy the price jumps to €579 excl vat & delivery. By removing the 3 year support package the price falls €60 to €519, which is still €50 over the advertised price!

I called Dell today and was quoted €519.09 ex for this laptop (N09221). The guy told me this was his best price and couldn't explain how the Dell promo mail offered it from €469. It's the same every week as I've been checking for the past few weeks. Surely this is false advertising?
Re: Dell & False Advertising?

You have to customize the machine you are buying

In the

"Cover It With Dell Support Services"

you have to downgrade to the 90 day collect and return

This will reduce the price to the advertised price

This drove me nuts for about 2 hours one day
Re: Dell & False Advertising?

I e - mailed them about this some time ago and they basically showed me how you could arrive at their e-mail price by changing this, that or the other ! Seems totally pointless to me and I find it generally irritating as I suspect would a lot of people. I don't know whether it constitutes false advertising though. You might find some direction in here
Re: Dell & False Advertising?

If you're trying to pare a few quid off the price, you might have a look at the Dell Factory Outlet? But personally I'd recommend paying for the 3-year warranty...
As per my orignial post, the advertised price is €469, but the best price is €519 ex online (after deducting the 3 yr support charge of €60).

I sent Dell an e-mail query, but still await a response.

I called Dell and was offered the best price of €519 and was told there was no way this laptop was only €469 ex as per their mailing.

Today I got another mail offering the the €469 ex laptop, but the website still only offers it at €519 (€579 before deducting the support package)

BTW - Having been responsible for an IT department for over 5 years, with over 100 Dells, the support package is a rip-off IMO. I've only ever had a few problem Dells and they were all lemons from day one. And I would have to say my experience of Dell support is not great/reliable.

That said Dell has really shaken up the overpriced PC market!