Dell 'customer Service'



I have recently bought a Dell dimension 8400 computer from Dell.
On setting up the computer it became apparent that the machine is far noisier than any which I have used before. (I have been using powerful computers for years in my job, none of which were as bad as this)

On contacting Dell they issued instruction for carrying out trouble shooting which I followed and identified the source of the problem. The computer has since been twice removed for over a week to be serviced, not including two site visits from technicians who agreed that the noise level was uncomfotrtably high. Replacment of the offending parts (the CPU fan) did not have any effect on the noise level.

Their customer service legal department recently informed me that they would be returning the PC to me as it is with the noise level unchanged, and I have no more options available to me for having a more silent system.

There were also numerous occasions where their customer service (which seems to in India judging by all the people I dealt with) department informed me that pick ups/service calls were going to happen which never materialised, making me miss work which was extremely annoying.

Can anyone tell me if I have any redress legal or otherwise from Dell to have this system replaced with a more silent system or preferably a full refund and never having to deal with their less than helpful customer service department again.

Or if anyone has had similiar experiences then please let me know.
Small Claims Court in Bray or Limerick , sue for your time wasted too. I have a very quiet Dimension 5000 at home , I have to lean into it to hear HD or Fan
My dad had a similar issue,when he got his Dell machine which I ordered,the modem and speakers didn't work.They talked him through some stuff before telling him they would send a new modem etc.Tried this and it still didn't work.Anyway my dad decided he wanted his money back and they said no that as long as they fixed the problem he couldn't return it for a cash exchange.Anyway he got on to the Joe Duffy show and they said they would be interested in talking about it,Dell rang him back before the show and he told them what he was transferred back to my credit card in 3 hours...go Joe!