delete a facebook 'friend'


Registered User
hi all im new to face book etc . to make a long story boring i accepted a 'friend' whom i thought i knew but it was'nt the same one. anyway all i seem to get is messages about games and such like that i have absoloutly no interest in PLEASE HOW DO I DELETE THIS NUT
Go into account (top right hand side), edit friends. When you look at your entire list of friends there ("all connnections" on LHS), there will be an "X" to the far right of each name - click that and the friend will be deleted.

It's not nearly so obvious as to how to do this than it was prior to the recent changes.
Watersprite thanks ,i owe you one, it was doing my head in MANY THANKS!
There's no notification, but they won't be able to see your status updates (depending on your settings) so people can put 2+2 together.
You can also hide updates from particular games (e.g. Farmville) just by clicking on the 'hide' button that appears when you move your mouse over somebody's status updates.
I wanted to dump a friend but wasn't too sure if they would be notified. I then 'dumped' my brother to see if he would be notified of the termination and he wasn't.

I became friends with my brother again and then dumped THREE so called friends. They are all flippin' eejits
... and then dumped THREE so called friends. They are all flippin' eejits

But then you accepted them as friends in the first place so what does that say of you!?! You can make a mistake with one, but three ....!
One was an ex girlfriend whom I reluctantly became friends with on Facebook. My wife is also on Facebook so deleted my ex before she posted old photos with me tagged.

Another is a friend of a friend who kept posting crap about his football team plus a lot of bad language. He is very uninteresting but has a lot to say.

The third is a former workmate whom I will never meet again in my lifetime. She keeps sending me invites to stuff. I took the easy option and dumped her.
I hate Facebook. Especially the way you get 'tagged' in photos and you can only 'untag' rather than have a setting to prevent it in the first place...

Stay away from Facebook Poker also. Highly addictive!
[QUOTE I hate Facebook. Especially the way you get 'tagged' in photos and you can only 'untag' rather than have a setting to prevent it in the first place...QUOTE]

Change your settings so only you can see tagged photos of yourself.
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They can hazard a very rough guess by viewing your profile. That will give the history of things you have done such as becoming friends with X or joining Y fan page. So, they'll have a fair idea based on the activity. But as for the exact time when you last logged in and out, I don't believe that's possible.

I am open to correction though.
If they are online at the same time as you and you have your Chat enabled they will get a notification, otherwise as above.
I got a friend request from a guy I could take or leave but out of politeness (that Irish affliction) I accepted him. Several months later I discovered he had removed me as a friend!! I was bulling. Not logical I know but I felt : Stuff you, I didn't ask you; you asked me.


Send him an invite to be your friend.
There are many reasons why I delete 'friends' but the main one is when somebody peppers my news feed with reports of joining some inane group or other. anotehr is when I keep getting notified of their 'game' status. it's easier delete them as friends rather than continously blocking the game/group application messages.