Delays in rolling out vaccine

Btw Germany has 4,334,000 doses stored / unused so far - they try to ramp up distribution.
Israel received over 100,000 doses of Moderna which are all put into storage for the time being - the attitude is that it is not worth yet to start distributing a second different vaccine while the Pfizer deliveries are rolling in fine.
That is good news
Perhaps Israel could give those Moderna vaccines to the Palestinians.
Perhaps Israel could give those Moderna vaccines to the Palestinians.
Israel has already send a batch over and is now offering vaccination to 100k of Palestinians who are commuting to Israel and Israeli controlled territories for work.
The Palestinians declined twice last year Covid help from the UAE because it was flown in via Jerusalem/Israel.
And as per Oslo accords the Palestinians are alone responsible for their health system.
Up alone to Israel to decide whom, how and when they help.
Suppose the Palestinians would have to agree to open an Embassy in Jerusalem like what the Czech have agreed to do.

It's curious that you laud the Israeli government in its apparent generosity by "donating" vaccines yet when it comes to Palestine its up to themselves.
Suppose the Palestinians would have to agree to open an Embassy in Jerusalem like what the Czech have agreed to do.
If my neighbor is hating me and is acting badly towards me I would not rush to his help either. But I would help anyone wholeheartedly who is supporting/helping me - but that is just me.
There is no right to get help/assistence.
And as stated the Palestinians have rejected twice Covid related help from the UAE only because it was transshipped via Israel - no reason to force then help upon them - and they still get help in any case as stated above - Israel did a shipment and now offering it to further 100k.
No issue here at all.
I didn't see Ireland donating any vaccines yet to anyone or did you?
While I agree that the Palestinians are their own worst enemy and their oppressive murdering government is utterly despicable they are effectively a vassal state of Israel, who is utterly dominant in the relationship so there is a moral duty on Israel to show a bit more generosity and moral decency. It's hard to know which government to dislike more.

Well one is the only democracy in the Middle East and the other persecutes gays.
No brainer mate.
Well one is the only democracy in the Middle East and the other persecutes gays.
No brainer mate.
I agree on LGBT+ rights in Palestine, particularly in Gaza. Nothing sums up the simple-minded pseudo-liberalism of some in this country more than the LGBT+ group form the Labour Party marching in support of Palestine while waving Hamas flags. If Hamas got their hands on them they'd murder them.
That said Israel is doing more than enough oppression as well.
Like in most conflicts there's the bad guys on one side and the other bad guys on the other side.
Arguably Israeli policies play into the hands of groups such as Hamas by helping to radicalise a desperate Palestinian population.
Here we are, the first anniversary of the pandemic.
I suppose talk of vaccines didn’t really start ‘til April or May though?
Who’d have thought that by the time the first anniversary rolled around we’d have multiple vaccines?
Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Sputnik V, J&J... and not to mention the four Chinese vaccines.
I’m surprised we have them.

But my biggest fear is as follows...
Experts now say that natural Covid-19 antibodies give about six months protection.
Suppose it’s the same with vaccines, six months.

An older vulnerable person gets the jabs in Feb 2020. Then goes on abroad in September, somewhere the rollout is slow and there are many unvaccinated, say Belgium.
Are they safe?

The short answer is no-one really knows.
Real-time data from the NHS is only just beginning to reveal the actual efficacy of these jabs as they've only really been delivered on a large enough scale for 2-3 months.
But work is already underway in research into a booster shot later in the year, again starting with the elderly and vulnerable.
Realistically, however, there are still so many people to be vaxxed across Europe the question of how long the protection lasts for isn't the most immediate priority.
An older vulnerable person gets the jabs in Feb 2020. Then goes on abroad in September, somewhere the rollout is slow and there are many unvaccinated, say Belgium.
Are they safe?

Unless worldwide numbers drop to the point where Covid is no longer a major threat, booster shots may become necessary before travel. The first documented case of reinfection came in June last year, so there are still questions over how long an infection will grant someone immunity with the likelihood of significant variations from person to person. In the majority of reinfection cases though, symptoms were less severe.

Perhaps a bigger concern with countries with low numbers vaccinated is the risk of newer variants emerging that are resistant to all current vaccines and we end up back at square one again.
Realistically, however, there are still so many people to be vaxxed across Europe the question of how long the protection lasts for isn't the most immediate priority.

Still though, they should realise that there may be a six month window.

If someone is vulnerable and cautious and is vaccinated in February, better of travelling March to August then September onwards.
One advantage to being “at the back of the vaccine queue” is that the current vaccines are only made and tested against the “parent strain”. The vaccines being produced and rolled out in six months time or so are expected to be made and tested against the Kent, South African and Brazilian strains too. And possibly others.
Perhaps a bigger concern with countries with low numbers vaccinated is the risk of newer variants emerging that are resistant to all current vaccines and we end up back at square one again.
Yes, that's the big risk. It shows that sharing the vaccine with poorer countries before we vaccinate our low risk population is not just morally the right thing to do but is actually in out medium term interest.
It shows that sharing the vaccine with poorer countries before we vaccinate our low risk population is not just morally the right thing to do but is actually in out medium term interest.

Exactly, and some of those poorer nations may have to be incentivised to roll it out effectively. When you see Brazil and the president there calling people who complain about Covid sissies!

Fortunately early research shows existing vaccines can be effective against the mutant variants and of course their developers will constantly tweak them as more data comes in.