delay in house purchase.




I'm having an ongoing dispute with a solicitor over the purchase of an house 3 years ago. The house was advertised with an estate agent and i agreed to purchase it as i had agreed a mortgage with a mortgage advisor in advance.
However there was a lengthy delay in the purchase as the bank which had originally agreed to the mortgage lost all my submitted documents, p60 original bill etc. After resubmitting my details the purchase went ahead but the total time taken was about 18 weeks. The solicitor for the other party claimed they where owed interest at the rate of 18% on the value of the house. Four days before everything was finalised i got a letter from the other parties solicitor demanding about 4000 euro in interest. My own solicitor advised me to ignore it and after signing the final documents i recieved the keys and moved in.
Now 3 years later i got a letter from the other parties solicitor demanding payment of the interest or the case will go to court. This letter was completely out of the blue as i thaught they had dropped the matter. What is my legal position. I don't want to go to a solicitor as i wasn't particularly happy with the solcitor handling the house purchase and money is very tight right now. The solicitor for the other party has a reputation for pursueing cases very aggrasively and i'm concerned about the cost of a court case. Is there a time period for him to take this to court and what court would be used given the amout is around 4000 euro. thanks in advance for any replies.
Its District Court so at least the costs that a Court can award are relatively low. I think you know the answer - you need legal advice and that will cost you. It may be a try on but if, as you say, your vendor's solicitor has a reputation for pursuing cases..........Anyway, they can only do so on the client's instructions.

A Court may well find that , even if the money is technically and contractually due, that given the length of time that has elapsed that it will not make an Order. Or it may make an Order.
