Delay in getting ECB rate cut on tracker mortgage (Ulster Bank/AIB)


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Anyone previously with Ulster Bank for their mortgage like myself would have recently changed to AIB.

I have a ECB tracker mortgage….

Previously with Ulster Bank I received a letter saying
The European central bank announced the decrease of 0.25% in its rate effective on 11th of June 2024. Current interest rate 5.25% your new interest rate is 5%. You will see this change of repayment on the 27th of June 2024.

Now with AIB and the next 0.25% cut (and 0.35%technicsl cut)
The European central bank announced the decrease of 0.6% in its rate effective on 1st October 2024. Current interest rate 5 % your new interest rate is 4.4%%. You will see this change of repayment on the 27th of November 2024.

With Ulster Bank, the reduction was reflected in my repayment approximately two weeks after it became effective. With AIB almost 2 months!!!!

Does that seem correct? Thanks
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my wife got her letter from AIB yesterday informing her of the reduction on her tracker, should be in the post hopefully!