Definition of completion



Can anyone confirm at what stage a new build should be at to be 'suitable for habitation'?
Builders have gone over thier timeframe but have said they haven't as the contract stats that completion is when the house is suitable for habitation - even though the snag is not complete.
From what I understand, snags generally do not make a place "unsuitable" for habitation. Paint splashes, slapdash workmanship, sticking doors, poor finish, etc. generally are "liveable" even if they aren't acceptable. Unless your snag has pointed out a potentially serious defect you probably have to concede that that place is suitable for habitation. However, having said all that, I would say you should argue long and hard with the builder about the snagging. It is terrible to say but I think it is quite common for snag lists to be only half-heartedly completed by builders, they generally just keep pushing for you to hand over the cash and you don't have a great position to push back from (as the place is habitable). Keep chasing them for snag completion. Ring them every day and demand a plan of work and turn up regularly to ensure it is being completed. It is a pretty frequent complaint that as soon as you hand over the cash, you can't get them to do anything so now is the time to make sure they finish what they should have done.