Defending the undefendable


Registered User
I'm just after discovering this book and I must say it really is an eye opener.

Free here:

Here's the table of content

I. Sexual

1. The Prostitute
2. The Pimp
3. The Male Chauvinist Pig

II. Medical

4. The Drug Pusher
5. The Drug Addict

III. Free Speech

6. The Blackmailer
7. The Slanderer and Libeler
8. The Denier of Academic Freedom
9. The Advertiser
10. The Person Who Yells "Fire!" in a Crowded Theater

IV. Outlaw

11. The Gypsy Cab Driver
12. The Ticket Scalper
13. The Dishonest Cop

V. Financial

14. The (Nongovernment) Counterfeiter
15. The Miser
16. The Inheritor
17. The Moneylender
18. The Noncontributor to Charity

VI. Business and Trade

19. The Curmudgeon
20. The Slumlord
21. The Ghetto Merchant
22. The Speculator
23. The Importer
24. The Middleman
25. The Profiteer

VII. Ecology

26. The Stripminer
27. The Litterer
28. The Wastemakers

VIII. Labor

29. The Fat Capitalist-Pig Employer
30. The Scab
31. The Rate Buster
32. The Employer of Child Labour
Excellent stuff. I had a quick look at "The Fat Capitalist-Pig Employer" and he's bang on.