Deepak Chopra - worth hearing?


Registered User
I see that Deepak Chopra will give a seminar in the Concert Hall on 4 April. Anybody ever heard him speak? Is he worth hearing? Anybody read his books? I saw an article in the Irish Times yesterday about him, and I found it very interesting, but would prefer to hear what anybody else thinks before I book, especially as the charge to attend the seminar is around the EUR50 or more!
Hi Audrey
I read his latest book last year - had a job to get it - it sold out v quickly after he was on Late Late. I find him v good. Do you have any more details on the seminar i.e. where to get tickets etc?
I don't have an informed opinion of him but associate him with the self-help personal development industry.

IMHO, any of these practitioners should only be heard/read once. If it doesn't trigger something within you first time then repeated exposure ain't going to do it.

And if it ain't within you or is deeply buried, a book or lecture is not going to release it for you.

Excuse my cynicism - it's not directed at him specifically.
Danmo said:
Hi Audrey
I read his latest book last year - had a job to get it - it sold out v quickly after he was on Late Late. I find him v good. Do you have any more details on the seminar i.e. where to get tickets etc?
Hi Danmo, It's at 7.30 on 4 April (Tel 4170000 for tickets). Also see [broken link removed].
Danmo said:
Hi Audrey
I read his latest book last year - had a job to get it - it sold out v quickly after he was on Late Late. I find him v good. Do you have any more details on the seminar i.e. where to get tickets etc?
Hi Danmo, It's at 7.30 on 4 April (Tel 4170000 for tickets). Also see [broken link removed].
I was quite interested in one thing that he said in the Irish Times interview - "you are not in the world, the world is in you". I know that, as someone else said, there are a lot of self-help type people out there. From what I read in yesterday's interview, that's not quite what Deepak Chopra is about (or perhaps I'm wrong?). I felt he was more of a philosopher, but I just read the one article and could be wrong.
Thanks Audrey. I wouldn't really call him a self help guru. I suppose a lot of what he talks about is releasing your potential and finding out what would fulfil you in life. I don't know if I can distill it into a few lines on a discussion board. Take a look at his website
[broken link removed]
Thanks Danmo.
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