deeds of house -what now?



we are lucky enough to have paid off our mortgage last year. The bank gave us the deeds of the house.we have them at home. is there something else i should have done re these deeds ?should i have contacted solicitor to do something or is the storage of them the only o thing i need to worry about?thanks
Do not keep the deeds to the house at home - if there is a fire etc the deeds can be very expesive to reconstitute. Talk to your bank about safe storage. There might be a fee for this service. Your solicitor might also have a free sae storage service.
You might want to consult with a solicitor as it is possible the bank's moirtgage is still registered over your property and this will have to be vacated. This shouldn't take too long or cost too much.
You might want to consult with a solicitor as it is possible the bank's moirtgage is still registered over your property and this will have to be vacated. This shouldn't take too long or cost too much.

Don't need to bother with a solicitor for that, in my opinion. Just get the Vacate off the bank and send it into the Land Registry with a cheque for the amount - €25 or it might be €30 now.
There are several existing threads on options for storing deeds once a mortgage has been cleared.