Deeds not registered



Hi there,

Myself and my wife bought a new house 2 years ago. The solicitors fees were included in the purchase price (everyone buying in the development went through the same solicitors). As first time buyers we had very little knowledge of the legal processes involved.

We're now thinking of selling, my wife rang the solicitors and she was told in passing that the deeds had never been registered (I assume that means registered with the land registry). So my questions are:

1. It this normal and/or legal?
2. Does this mean that we don't officially own the house?
3. To sell the house will we have to register the house and pay for it ourselves?

Any advice would be appreciated... thanks
1. It this normal and/or legal?
Is it the case that the deeds were never registered or that registration has not yet been completed? If never - no, not normal and must be done by the solicitors. If still being registered, not abnormal and you can sell as persons entitled to be registered.

2. Does this mean that we don't officially own the house?
You do own.

3. To sell the house will we have to register the house and pay for it ourselves?
No - its the solicitor's obligation.
