Declined for mortgage protection


Registered User
Hi there,
Not sure if i'm posting in a right place....
Anyway my friend had been declined for mortgage protection with Irish Life, she wants to try some other life assurance company.
i was just wondering if you know which one would be more flexable?
Or is there point at all? if she was declined in one there good chance she will be declined everywhere else?

Thanks a mill,

As far as I know insurance companies keep a register of who has been declined and your friend will also have to declare it with any new insurance company. Thats not to say that she shouldn't try the others. Some might be willing to insure her depending on the circumstances. Also, if she can't get insurance there is a process for proceeding with the mortgage if she has been declined but she would need to talk to her lender about it.

There are other threads on the topic if you use the search function
Without knowing any details of why the friend was declined, how can people be recommending other insurance companies? If the condition is life-threatening, all companies will decline and applying to others will be time-wasting.

On the other hand, if the condition is not obviously life-threatening, there may be merit in applying to several other life assurance companies. An experenced broker may be able to tell you which companies treat the particular condition more favourably than others or you can do the groundwork yourself by trial and error.
Remember also that refusals should be received in writing and on receipt of these the lender may look at waiving the requirement for mortgage protection at their discretion. However they are under no obligation to do so.
Hi there,
Thanks for replies..
My friend wad diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, thats why she was declined, but as far as i know its not life threatening, so she wants to try some other life company...

Thanks a mill,
Hi there,
Thanks for replies..
My friend wad diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, thats why she was declined, but as far as i know its not life threatening, so she wants to try some other life company...

Thanks a mill,

Although PCOS can be linked with other more serious illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, endometrial cancer and others, in itself it's not life-threatening.

She should ask Irish Life is the PCOS was the only reason why she was declined or whether it was merely a contributory factor.
As far as I am aware also you need to declare to other insurers if you have been declined elsewhere - otherwise the policy may become void.

I would have her go back to Irish Life (personally will never again as I went through something similar with them where they kept looking for more & more information & it required multiple letters from doctors etc before they finally accepted).

This condition that your friend has should by all accounts be fine. Is she dealing with IL directly or going through a mortgage broker etc.
As far as i know that was the only reason they declined, i thought they would accept it at increased rates thats all, i don't think this condition is so bad like....
She is gettting it through broker... I think he want to apply to another company again...
For clarity, she should (via her broker) request that Irish Life writes to her GP explaining exactly why she was declined.
Is high blood pressure life threatening for insurance purposes??

I think it can depend on a lot of things. But it will definitely require a doctors report and probably an independent medical.

If you're being successfully treated (and therefore have hypertension but normal bp) it may not.

I got mortgage protection at normal rates despite having hypertenstion.

Edited to add I got the normal rate at the second attempt (via LA Brokers). My first policy was twice the normal rate! So different firms (and maybe dealing with different brokers) can have different results.