Declan Ganley on Prime Time ...


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Did anyone see this? What the hell was that about?

Entrepreneur has a number of failed businesses, businesses launched during the collapse of communism are not fully transparent and the real shocker, the tendering of contracts for business in Iraq prove not to be entirely fair and open. Oh dear.

Not that Miriam O'Callaghan or RTE's political paymasters would have any kind of agenda here, what with Lisbon Part Deux impending and all.

Seriously, even if there was an agenda behind this, surely they could do better than having that slimy butterball Dick Roche on gabbing about Ganley's lack of transparency and murky financial dealings?
Just watched it. Couldn't make up my mind on which of the following applies: -

(1) Ganley has stuff to hide from his past or

(2) the programme was an attempt to discredit him by political forces who want to push through Lisbon 2.

He seemed very keen to play down his link to the director of the Anglo Adriatic Fund who was murdered.
It raises an awful lot of questions and its very damaging to Ganley.

There seems to be a lot of denying by Ganley on who he knew or didnt know and yet those people went on record to say they did know Ganley. All very shady.

It was a very one sided programme however.

Seems to be a big drive to push the Yes campaign now with reports in the media today on Irelands damaged position in Europe as a result of the No result and now this programme on Ganley. Who is behind it all?
If Mary Harney's hair do is worth front page coverage (with more inside) then what's this worth?
He is a man who wants to write himself in to history. The programme did not really tell us anything new. We still know very little about him and Libertas, primarily regarding financing.

With his apparent ability to rewrite history, maybe Ganley could convince us all that we voted Yes to Lisbon and save us the cost of voting again.
He seemed very keen to play down his link to the director of the Anglo Adriatic Fund who was murdered.

That was such a crock of ****. So some guy who used to be a director of a Fund he was involved with was murdered and they're trying to somehow link the two things, or at least muddy the waters a bit? I thought the show was crap, no substance, just throwing mud to try and slander the guy ... not that I'm trying to defend him, personally I'm no fan, but I just found the whole thing a bit bizzare. First they seemed to be making him out to be a lot more than he really is, and then they're trying to discredit him for not being quite what they tried to make out he was!! Maybe RTE know more than we do about the fella but personally I couldn't believe a full show was dedicated to him!
Yes but he went about it badly. There's a difference between saying that you weren't bosom buddies with someone and attempting to claim that you didn't even know him or remember him, when the reality seems to have been somewhere in between.
Yes it was bizzare.... I still don't know what to make of it....... I think the show reached it's objective in that it raised questions regarding Ganley on why he proclaimed to be a government advisor & yet the government official didn't want to go into it.... how he stated he had 6 TV networks & never did, how his reason for not getting the US government contract differs from the US government official in Washington. It 'appears' there is more to it......

Will it damage his credibility to some degree in the next round of Lisbon? - quite possibly...... everybody wants to ensure that any arguments from the anti-Lisbon front come from credible sources. People at this stage know that the government is not credible as we are sick of the government spin doctoring bad situations as it is.

If Ganley's credibility/motives are thrown into question also then people will go with the government.
I would think that one of the most damaging factors would be the non filing of the required (statutory) information with SIPO. He stated (to my memory) that they were out to get him because of "Brussels fanatics".

Did a bit of looking into this. SIPO was set up and is governed by two Acts in 1995 and 2001. Also it was stated by a member of Libertas they were established in 2006. So Mr. Ganley's argument falls there. It is national legislation and not one of EU origin.

There was nothing new in the program last night that has not already been printed by Phoenix magazine over the last while. Still a well put together programme.
I've seen the point made elsewhere that 160 TDs called for a yes in Lisbon and this chancer called for a no. Who did we trust?
A couple of points:

Not great journalistically I thought. Nothing much to say bar unconfirmed rumours, questions left for us to ponder......
The usual heavy handed music (though not quite as slapstick as the time of the "future shock" property programme) and ominous slience at the end- have we become so thick that the national broadcaster feels the need to lay it on with a trowel? Or maybe it's supposed to compensate for the lack of punches landed.
Isnt it all a bit of a diversion from the real issue? - which, IMHO is - is this particular treaty good for Ireland (and, secondly Europe) or not? I'm sick to the teeth of irrelevancies (both sides) about us being out of step with Europe, being bullied and guilt tripped by people who cant explain whats in the thing (read it might be a start lads...) but are darn sure we must vote yes or teh country will be a wasteland and we'll all have to return to the fields to tram hay.

As regards Ganley - programme would have damaged him a bit, he definitely has questions to answer. I think its safe to say he's a bit of a spoofer. But even if I I knew for a fact that he is the devil incarnate backed by the axis of evil, perhaps he's right on this particular treaty???

I would definitely fault Libertas for scaremongering irrelevancies such as conscription, abortion etc, but I dont think they had exclusive rights to those tactics.

My bottom line on EU: dont want a federal Europe, we're too small and if it suits the rest of Europe we'll wither on the vine (see the interest rate situation as the first example - do they give a hang whether Ireland needs a higher or lower ECB rate?? - unless we're in sync with France and Germany we're screwed). Do we want the tax system or anything else important to go the same way? I think the common currency is about as far as we can go, any futher and we're running risks for no return. I also think there's merit in the view that Europe's political elite have lost the run of themselves and the wishes of the constituents are a hassle they feel they could and should do without as they proceed with their merry project.

phew - rant over :D
This was an awful awful programme.

First off I voted Yes to Lisbon and would do again, don't like Libertas' arguments and their fellow travellers who campaigned against Lisbon. However, this programme just repeated queries that have been about for a long time and provided no answers, just portentous music and a few free long-haul flights for the presenter (and what was the point in Miriam O'Callaghan in her LBD introducing it?) Promised answers gave none.

The 'journalist' couldn't even put together a proper question - i liked it when Ganley called her up on this - stating something as fact without a question at the end. They even tried to make out his marriage was somehow dodgy! Why didn't they ask the brother who was allegedly on holiday with the murdered man about that trip? It's easy to make something seem sinister when people won't go on camera so we get shots of the journalist walking in and out of houses and then repeating what was said (or secretly recording it - is that ethical?) An awful lot of dodgy dealings have gone on in the contracting in Iraq and his company were found not to have committed any crime in relation to their contract negotiations.

There were shots of Vaclav Klaus and another european politician whose name I didn't catch implying they are total loons without any detail at all. This should not have been shown without some tighter editing and until RTE had actual answers to their questions (some of which are legitimate) rather than just muddying the waters.
Oh, the hilarity of a Fianna Fail government attacking a politician for dodgy associations and untraced sources of funding.
This represents a continuation and ramping up of efforts by Europhile media and politicians to play the man and not the ball; RTE, The Irish Times, Roche et al have form in this regard. Ganley certainly had an impact on Lisbon 1 but to credit/blame him for the No is simplistic and inaccurate and in some cases disingenuous. 862,000+ people took the trouble to go and vote against the treaty so it will require a conserted and coordinated effort by the establishment to coerce the public and achieve their goal.
..............Ganley certainly had an impact on Lisbon 1 but to credit/blame him for the No is simplistic and inaccurate and in some cases disingenuous................

Do you think that we would have voted No to Lisbon if Libertas/ Ganley had not been involved?
Oh, the hilarity of a Fianna Fail government attacking a politician for dodgy associations and untraced sources of funding.

Even more ironic was Dick Roche trying to discredit Ganley by referring to the dubious nature of his acqauntances...

Kettle, pot, black.