Debt Relief Notice Granted - Creditor still seeking the debt.


New Member
I was granted a DRN in April of this year, but the creditor is again seeking repayment of the debts.

They have threatened court action again.

They now say that they are not the creditor, and they are seeking the debts on behalf of other companies/individuals, although in their original bill they state that they are after "our bill of costs and outlay", and provide their bank details to transfer money to.

The company was mailed from MABS in the DRN process as per the statute and they did not reply, which satisfied the court that they were accepting the debt as is and correct.

Where do I go from here?

Thank you.
Have your circumstances improved?

According to this you should only deal with the ISI and not the creditor.
I am a PIP and TBH this happens quite regularly be it Creditors chasing debts directly in court processes, demands, debt collectors and I have heard of cars being seized.

The arrangement is subject to a Court Order. The Creditor is in breach of that Court order. What I always do is send extremely strong communication that if repeated I will bring contempt of court proceedings and seek commital in jail of any company directors