Debt Recovery - we have left the country what can they do?


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Hi Everyone,

First post so I hope I am in the right place!

Long story but my husband is getting treatment for a gambling addiction at the moment, I have just discovered a number of outstanding debts as a result of this. One of them is with a Debt Recovery Agency and the other is a CC. I sent off letters and a sick cert explaining the situation and that we were unable to pay at present, I just lost my job, but that as soon as he was out of treatment we would put a plan in place to repay.

Heard nothing from CC company, DR weren't happy and want me to complete an Income and Expenditure form, I don't mind as I have very little money coming in. The thing is we have moved to the UK, the debts are in Ireland, can they pursue us here?

We fully intend to repay both debts but if they start getting awkward with me whilst he is in treatment I just want to know what I can do.

Many Thanks
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You would need to include more information on the size of the debt-the larger it is, the more people will pursue it. However, if you dont have the means to pay it, you cant pay it. If the sums are huge and you live in the UK, perhaps the UK's shorter bankrupcy process is the way to go. After one year you will be free of debt (even if you make no further payments towards clearing it off) and can start again with a clean slate.
I am not sure the Debt Recovery Agency can insist you fill in the income and means form-do they own the debt now or are they acting as an agent for an institution?
Hi Luternau thanks for your reply, the Debt Recovery agency said the debt had been passed onto them so I'm not sure if they own it or not, it's part of a car loan and there is 1600 euro left on it, the credit card is 6500 as far as I know but I haven't heard anything back from them yet.

I might hold off sending them the income form until I know what they can do, I'm not sure if my income details are relevant to them as it is my husband's debt but they might treat it all as one.

Thanks again
I should have added that you have no legal liability to pay your husbands debts-though the debt company would love if you did.
Thanks that is good to know. I am receiving approx 300 euro a month in Jobseekers, my husband is not receiving anything, he hadn't enough stamp paid so I don't think we can be asked to pay them to much as we have very little income presently. We had to give up our house and I'm living with friends at the minute until we get through this, so we don't even have any assets they can go after if they wanted too.

The chances of your husband being hunted down in a different jurisdiction for these sums of money is NIL imo.
1. It is your husbands Debt , do not send any of your info.
2. Ignore the Debt recovery agency until they give you full information on how they are involved and prove to have legal title to the debt.
3. Do not give info over the phone, do not give anyone your date of birth , remember they are phoning you for their advantage.
From the figure you have sent 1,600+6,500 there is very very little chance of your husband being pursued .

Try and get on with your life. Debt agencies/credit comps will huff and puff but please don,t be bullied.
Thanks very much for all your advice / help I was in such a state when they rang me, they don't have any of my details apart from my name so I think I will leave it like that!
The debt company will often tell lies saying that you as a spouse are liable so you should be paying. The fact is your husband has zero income in his name so can't pay them anything.

They should go away once they hear that.