debt collector calling

By the way, the ODCE is NOT known for its efficiency. If you are thinking about being restricted as a director because something went astray do NOT hold your breath. What I know of is to liquidate and set up a new company and trade through the new company. A whole lot of money ends up in the 'wrong' pocket literally daily - taxes deducted from employees, assets sold to the (wo)man or the new company for a Euro, blah blah. Some of the cheekier people liquidate the company and become a sole trader using the assets of the old company.
They are very slow to chase the directors of struck off companies, who are then free to set up more companies and the CRO can't do a thing about it.
If you were a director of a ltd company that went into Liquidation and you did not sign any personal gaurantees then they cannot persue you personally for the money. Did you get a Liquidator in- have a creditors meeting etc?
Regarding the Consumer credit act you can be contacted between 9am and 9pm mon- sat not on Sundays or bank holidays.
Does this debt owed for a product or a service?
There are different collection companies out there, some are complete chancers - only a couple of them are legit. THe one that is chasing you sounds like one that must only be paid on a % of what they collect.
If you are genuine and hit hard times you will find most companies will bear with you. Once you are honest you will find most companies will work with you.
It is the complete chancers who continually lie etc that I have no sympathy for and would chase to nth degree.
Regarding the Consumer credit act you can be contacted between 9am and 9pm mon- sat not on Sundays or bank holidays.
Most lenders ask that you sign a wavier so that they can contact you at anytime. I have heard of banks calling people at 2am to discuss arrears etc.
Most lenders ask that you sign a wavier so that they can contact you at anytime. I have heard of banks calling people at 2am to discuss arrears etc.

I would be very surprised at that why would a bank make you sign a waiver of your basic consumer rights. It is the Consumer credit act .
I seriously doubt a bank would ring someone at 2am to discuss arrears- for a start who would they employ to work those hours? Most people would have their phones off and I am sure you would have a legal case about basic human rights.
Also reading between the lines of his predictiment I seriously doubt it is a bank he is having the problems with.
I remember that BOI credit agreements had that specific wavier on them. Things may have changed since. There was a case on Liveline of a person who owned a pub being rung at 2am about arrears. AFAIK the banks were using staff from their 24 hour stolen card line to make the calls during their slack periods.
HI Guys

Thanks for all your posts, these people sound really dodgy,
havnt heard from them for a while,
got a call from them today, and they informed me they were awaiting my payment in full, and they were calling monday, i told them i would be at work and didnt have that kind of money, and i wasnt liable to pay, so they said they were going to get rough,, i the=ink this is one for the boys in blue
Ring your local garda station and ask to make an appointment to see someone who's used to dealing with this kind of thing over the weekend if he/she is available.

Head down and meet them in the local station and have a chat. Bringing any documentation, names, telephone numbers and details of when / who called you.

Also, keep an accurate diary of any contact that these guys make. i.e. time of contact, date of contact and details of what was said. It may be useful if you need to take it to court later on.

Yep go to cops would be very interested though in finding out which collections company it was though if you could PM me.
thanks for all your advise, went to the police and they advised me to contact solicitor, done that sent a letter to them and havnt heard a word in 4 weeks now.
thanks for all your good advise