Debt collection civil proceedings


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I have not paid a contractor who completed work for me and he is taking civil proceedings against me:

I had written instruction for the work he was to complete and I supplied all the materials, he supplied the labour and the equipment.

What was not agreed before hand was the final price.

The work completed I felt was not up to standard and the bill he gave me was I felt too high.

He refused to rectify the work and I offered him a reduced amount of money. He did not accept the reduced amount.

Before I decide to defend the civil proceedings and go to court …. What is the most likely outcome:

Different outcomes are:

1. You the defendant lose:
a. You have to pay the original bill
b. You have to pay the contractors legal bills
c. You have to pay your own legal bills

2. You the defendant partially win
a. You have to pay your own legal bills
b. You have to pay a reduced bill to the contractor
c. You do not have to pay the contractors legal bills

3. You the defendant win
a. You don’t pay any legal bills
b. You don’t pay any money to the contractor for work carried out.
Can I (the defendant) win any money back for the expense I will incur fixing the work and buying extra material to replace the materials the contractor damaged.

Or do I have to bring a civil case against the contractor to claim money from him?
I think first things first:

Can you prove that the work was substandard?

And can you prove that the work was over priced?
you are better off just paying it and forget about it

solicitors and the court process will just screw you over and you will end up paying more for it in the long run.

The reality is you have no chance of winning
How much money are we talking about?

Did you explain to them that the work was substandard at the time? Why was price not agreed before hand?