Debt collection agency


Registered User
Hi , i received a letter the other day from a DCA on behalf of a bank for payment of a debt circa €9000 . I rang and explained my position as i had previously done with the bank direct. The person i spoke to asked if i was able to make any payment? I said i could probably manage €10 a week . He said fine and gave all bank details etc . He also said he wanted a statement of my means for their records and promptly sent same the same day. I explained that said bank had one of these already .So my questions are these.
1. DO I have to send in this and
2. As this is a debt solely in my own name do i have to give all my wifes details?

You do not have to send in income/expenditure form.
You do not have to give anyone elses details.

Seems strange that Dca will so quickly accept 10 a week?
Is the full debt due? Is this an enforceable debt? When did you last pay something off it? Has the Bank just plucked 9,000 .

Try not to take phone calls ; get everything in writing .
Think about it , if I phoned you up and said I held your Bank debt would you just send me 10 per week.
Thanks for reply . The debt is an old business debt and the bank gave it to their solicitors and when i told them i could not pay they gave it to Dca . Thought it funny that bank and solicitor would not except money but agency had no problem. The full debt is due but as bank have already got much bigger judgement €100k+on my half of home i cannot see the reasoning behind this. Would i be better off letting them get another judgement , not worried about stigma etc,?
I would let get their judgement. They probably won't bother but it won't make much of a difference if they already have one for 100K.

The agency are happy to get what they can as they are probably keeping most of it.