Debit cards address verification?

Anti money laundering requirements. You can't have a bank account without verifying your address or a photo id.
Maybe it's just as simple as they don't have any household bills or other ways to verify their address
I'm not talking about applying for a card but using my card like when I shop in supermarkets or stores etc. I use my debit card and my address is not required. Delivery address maybe required but no billing address necessary as I'm paying up front something like that. Nothing sinister
An easy way to do it is link your card to PayPal, and use PayPal for payment.

Where are you running into problems? There are usually valid ways around it.

Ah OK. Well - in those cases, the billing address request is being used as a part of verification that the card is valid i.e. that the user (you) knows the billing address associated with the card.

As mentioned, there is an option on PayPal to not provide an address when making a payment where it's not needed. But PayPal are now looking for proof of identity / address. But in that case, it is for PayPal KYC purposes and not passed on for every payment.