Death Sentence for Saddam Hussein

Did ClubMan say that?

With the information I have, I don't personally believe that the trial was fair.

The death sentence will turn him into a martyr, which in the eyes of devout muslims holds great advantages. Dying while fighting the infidels in the cause of Allah reserves a special place and honor in Paradise and it earns special favor with Allah, not to mention all the virgins waiting for him there!!

Even though the court was supposed to be Iraqi, he will be seen as having been executed by the US resulting in more terror attacks on Western targets.

Whatever day it happens on will also be a huge security headache in Iraq, other arab states and the US, for about 5 years afterwards. People will be on their guard all over the place on the anniversary of Sadams martyrdom.......

Good call. He deserves the death penalty, human rights, none fair trial doesnt come in to it nor compare to the crimes against humanity he has commited. I wonder if it will be televised?
Every one deserves a fair trial, regardless of what they are alleged to have done.

As for wondering if his hanging will be televised, I shudder at the very thought. How could anyone want to watch the death of another human being?
The death sentence will turn him into a martyr,

So what if he is seen as a Martyr, what happens then, people will die no matter what verdict was reached (such is Life) nothing can change that,
The death penalty is an abhorrence to all civilised people. As a christian/lapsed catholic I still believe that only God has the right to grant life or take it away.

Another problem is that in such matters there is no room for the 'mediocrity' that so often pervades in the justice system. Fair enough if the system convicts someone, jails him/her and later discovers a mistake then that individual can always be released. This is not the case with the death penalty.

If there can be any doubt as to a safe conviction in ANY case where the death penalty is sought then there can be no justification in applying it in ANY case whatsoever. It is much too final a punishment to risk making errors with however much one might think that a particular individual deserves it.

The correct solution for Saddam is to bury him in a maximum security prison for the rest of his natural in solitary confinement with no access to the outside world, the media or visitors. Quite simply to forget about him.
I dont delieve in God 'thank God for that', if you choose to believe in something that never shows its self then I respect that but for me seeing is believing, but as a person who believe's an eye for an eye then I am glad this monster is going to be put to death the quicker the better I say,
Why does your God not show himself on sky news so we can all see him, all those who have sky news that is.
" eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth will leave us all blind and toothless"

Well Dodo , I hope that you are never on the wrong end of a miscarraige of justice.

It does happen , The Irish, of all people should be aware of that after the Guildford 4 and Birmingham Six fiascos over the last decades - in both those cases , if capital punishment had not been abolished in the EU , they would have been executed (in fact the Judge in one of those cases made it that very apparent at the sentencing.)

Capital Punishment is now seen in the EU and more and more nations in the same light as slavery and rightly so.After the horrors Europe has gone through in the previous century never again will the state be given the power of life and death over its citizens. It has completely failed as a deterrent , witness the USA - is it co-incidental that the least violent societies are the ones that have best and most robust legal systems with access for all and have done away with capital punishment?

All its proponents can offer in its defense is tradition and that awful word "closure" - in other words revenge . I prefer to leave God's judgement to God - too many people would like play God themselves.

In the case of Saddam Ancutza has it spot on - life in solitary for the rest of his natural life - in a devils island location , maybe Gitmo? - to be forgotten about - then he will have anwer to his Allah.

In any case I believe the Americans wont allow him to be executed - the Sunni's are the American least worst hope of keeping Iraq intact and even the current US administration arent that dumb are they? (that is ,if they are still there - you never know after tonite if the Republicans take a big enough hit and Georgie Boy doesnt have another election to fight - the GOP might be writing their own version of cut and run with an eye on 2008)
I agree with you nobody unless 100% proven guilty like Saddam should be hung .
I agree with you nobody unless 100% proven guilty like Saddam should be hung .

Of course, this being AAM, the spiritual home of the pedant, I feel it is incumbent upon me to point out that Saddam should be hanged, not hung.
I agree with you nobody unless 100% proven guilty like Saddam should be hung .
Dodo, what exactly is he 100% guilty of - Saddam was a leader of a nation, sometimes people in that position have to take hard decisions, for him the death of the several 100 men for which he has been convicted was probably a neccessary decision, they may have killed him if they hadn't been terminated, or at any rate were a threat to the security of the nation for which he was responsible. Maybe, then Blair could be prosecuted for the killing of Mendez last year (not going to start on the Iraqi experience), after all, whilst he did not pull the trigger, his security forces did as they thought that he was a threat to the security of the nation (bit like Frank Connolly as Mick McD would say), who does the buck stop with?
Look at WWII, many Nazi's were hung at Nuremburg, if they had won, possibly many Allied leaders would have been hung, after all the Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings were hardly exemplary behaviour.
If you do not know what he is guilty of then I suggest you should not be here discussing Saddam Hussein, If hitler was still around there would be PC people like you defending his beliefs and explaining why he should not be put to death, I am sick of people who think no one derseve's to die, some people do deserve to die, ie Hitler,shankhill butchers,black& tans, Fred West to name a few,
Saddam was guilty of the most terrible crimes - not just murder of those he opposed but grisly and barbaric torture as well. Saddam got a far fairer trial than any of his victims. But for the good old US and UK etc etc he would still be in Kuwait , with our minister for foreign affairs blessing ( ' cos our govt done damn all in Gulf war 1, just like in WW2 etc )..
Of course, this being AAM, the spiritual home of the pedant, I feel it is incumbent upon me to point out that Saddam should be hanged, not hung.
That's what I get for having to leave school at 10, and thanks for the correction
But for the good old US and UK etc etc he would still be in Kuwait , with our minister for foreign affairs blessing ( ' cos our govt done damn all in Gulf war 1, just like in WW2 etc )..
Ah, yes, Kuwait, that bastion of human rights. Isn't it funny how the aforementioned were so quick to react to the Kuwaiti crisis as opposed to, oh I don't know, the Balkan crisis!
Ah, yes, Kuwait, that bastion of human rights. Isn't it funny how the aforementioned were so quick to react to the Kuwaiti crisis as opposed to, oh I don't know, the Balkan crisis!
What did we do in the Balkans?
I do not agree with the death penalty in any circumstances and Saddam’s trial was clearly flawed but Ireland is in no position to lecture anyone about their conduct internationally.
Our foreign policies are utterly self-serving and our rhetoric is utterly hypocritical.
Lets hope that the dealings of Saddam with Western Governments are fully and accurately reported and verified before he is hung (or poisoned before he gets to the gallows). Then let the trial of Bush, Rice, Rumsfeld et al begin.
