Death on the roads and the traffic corp


Registered User
how come i can drive from dublin to mayo and back over the weekend and not see one single traffic corp? i thought they were telling us your chances of being caught for dangerous driving were on the up? it was like wacky races yesterday on the way back. and what is berties 2 cents? "lads, yous should all slow down a bit." i don't think thats a particulary strong message from the top dog. they keep bringing in new road laws etc but absolutely refuse to enforce them unless you're doing 2kmh over the limit on the stillorgan dualer. did anyone else see cops on their journeys over the weekend?
I drove from Ennis to Malin Head and back over the wkend - and saw one speed check...
....and yet I drove from Lucan to Croke Park yesterday and there were two speed checks (in Palmerstown and on Chapelizod bypass). Catching people doing 70 in a 60 zone by hiding behind a bush does little to slow speeders down. High visibility rather than stealth would get the message through a lot stronger. (BTW perhaps this is not the correct forum. "Letting off steam" may be more appropriate!)
I have to agree regarding visibilty of traffic cops. I drove from Galway to Dublin on Saturday and while on the motorway, with cruise control set at 115kph, was passed (as if I was stopped) by a BMW with 2 bicycles tied onto the back. Can't imagine this would have happened if there had been a visible garda presence in the area.
Berlin said:
I drove from Galway to Dublin on Saturday and while on the motorway, with cruise control set at 115kph, was passed (as if I was stopped) by a BMW with 2 bicycles tied onto the back.

Was there anything dangerous about the manner in which they overtook you? If not, I don't see what the problem is and more particularly why the Gardai should be diverting resources to harmless motorway speeding cases such as this. 70% of the motorways in Germany have no speed limits whatsoever and Germany has much lower rates of accidents than we have.
Berlin said:
I drove from Galway to Dublin on Saturday and while on the motorway, with cruise control set at 115kph, was passed (as if I was stopped) by a BMW with 2 bicycles tied onto the back.
Was there anyone on the bicycles?
On the Saturday of the last bank holiday weekend, at around 3.30pm, I was coming into town from Navan on the N3. As you approach Blanchardstown, the speedlimit reduces from 100 KPH to 80 KPH. There was a Garda speed check set up there in the middle of the road, 3 - 4 gardai, a bike and a car. I thought to myself at the time what a useless waste of resources.

About 1/2 a mile past where this speedtrap was set up is the Blanchardstown Roundabout. I stopped there and was first at the lights. I'm always slow to move off (experience) and sure enough, about 3 seconds after they turned green, a car comes barrelling along and crashes the lights.

Since then I have been taking notice and I have lost count of the number of times that I have seen cars on those 3 traffic light controlled roundabouts together on the N3 (Blanch, M50 and castleknock) crashing the lights.

Would the Gardai not be better and more effectively occupied, going out in an unmarked car, driving from one roundabout to the next, making sure that they were first in the queue and racing after anyone who broke the lights with full sirens. To me this would be high profile policing. I would feel no sympathy for any motorist caught in this way. They are a real and genuine danger on the road, and to my mind this is what the gardai should be doing, rather than shooting fish in a barrell, where there is no real danger to the public.

I note that as usual the people who were killed over the last day, seem to have died on smaller country roads, rather that the main national roads where the speedtraps are invariably located.
