Death Magnetic - Discuss!


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Looks like Metallica are back, just got Death Magnetic yesterday and first impression is that its toe-curlingly good! Blisteringly fast, the old Hammet shredders are back, complex Justice-like riffs...haven't been this excited about a Metallica album in years.

Whats everybody else think?
I've heard two songs so far and I'm still undecided. It might be one of those albums that needs a few plays. I doubt it could be anywhere near as good as Master of Puppets.
Yeah, I've heard a few Master of Puppets comments alright, heard one person refer to DM as Justice of Puppets! Theres no way it'll ever compare to Master of Puppets but they've made a hell of a good attempt. I reckon its more like the stuff on Justice.

I can see what you're saying re it needing a few listens Cahir. The first time I heard 'The Day that Never Comes' I wasn't mad gone on it but it has really grown on me. Its the new One. Have to say I like alot of the other tracks on the album on first listen. They've definitely gone in the right direction with it, I believe.
That's it - I'm getting it this evening.

(Just hope it hasn't got that same tendency towards 'bloatedness' that Justice had at times - great album, but a bit dour and flabby in parts IMO)
Well Caveat?! What did you make of it?

Ninsaga, you said you're not excited about it, do tell why?
When I saw the title to this thread, I thought it was about this new secret weapon the US is meant to using against Al Qeada in Iraq! I must be getting old.
Didn't get it as it happens guys. Maybe tonight.

What do you think Elefantfresh?
I definitly like it on first listen - couldnt give it my full concentration as i'm supposed to be working...sigh...some serious guitaring going on. I'm pretty impressed on first glance over it. Got a two hour drive this evening so i'll crank it up and give it some real attention. Its most definitly a return to the Metallica i used to like before they went up their own behinds.
I listened to it all over the weekend and liked it a lot more than I thought I would.
I listened to it 3 times from start to finish over the weekend - I also listened to Ride the lightening and Puppets - this new album is miles behind those i think. I really dont think listening to it over and over is going to make it as good as these two. However, i will say one thing - its made me start listening to Metallica again and realising just how good those earlier albums were. Obey......your.....MASTER!!
Well, finally got this and I like it - not sure how much I like it yet.

I think it definitely is reminiscent of both Puppets & Justice at times but there are also traditional metal influences coming more to the fore than usual I think e.g. Sabbath & Maiden.

I was hoping for a few grinding ones in the same vein as maybe The thing that should not be or Sad but true and I think some of the tracks are simply too long. Being a bit picky, but I'm not sure I totally like the way the vocals have been mixed either.

But I do like it and most importantly, Metallica have a sense of vitality and urgency about them that I haven't heard in years.

I'd say it will be a grower.
It is a grower but there're a couple of songs on it that are very weak, not inventive at all, and basically remisicient of any other anonoymous metal band... Some of it is 'good' but not on a par with 'Puppets.
This is growing on me.

Some of it I'm not happy with but some tracks, and in particular Judas Kiss, are suddenly really doing it for me. Reminds me of Voivod in parts.

I think it's safe to say I like the album. I don't love it, but I definitely like it.
might download it ... legally (fancy dan techno hah?? :))

Not a traditional Metallica fan but liked the Live Binge Purge box set I got the loan of ages ago, in particular Fade to Black (Maiden-like) & For Whom the Bell Tolls.

I get the impression that a large % of Metallica fans are convinced they've sold out and want no more to do with them, so maybe this 'back to basics' is a reaction to that.

Thought that 'And Justice for All' was a bit depressing, 'One' obviously being an excellent track.
Anyone got any thoughts on Chinese Democracy? I only got it yesterday so haven't had a chance to listen to it much but I think I like it.