dealing with a director


Registered User
Advice very welcome: To cut along story short we had a management meeting where a director (all members of Committee are directors) made allegations against an employee and other directors that were completely unfounded. The Chairperson wrote to everybody and called an emergency meeting and notified the director that made the allegations of the meeting but that they could not attend. In the chairpersons letter they stated that the reason for meeting was "that she beleived the allegations to be completely untrue" and the matter had to be discussed and resolved.

Now the director who made the allegations is claiming that the chairperson had no right to express her personel opinion and that the letter should have just stated the time and date of the meeting.

Is this true or was the chairperson allowed to stated what she did?
It is actually a company charitable status has not been apllied for yet so as it stands it is a company limited by gaurentee though it is not profit making.
Hi, I would imagine that whoever was authorised to write to the directors was instructed to advise all to attend to discuss the allegations and in my mind, the writer's opinion should have been kept for the meeting.
Sounds like handbags at 12 o'clock really doesn't it?

Unless the director in question has some legal recourse to bring everything to its knees in relation to the personal opinion expressed in the written letter I'd just carry on as normal with whatever you're trying to achieve.