Dealer warranty on used car


Registered User
We are looking at buying a 2007 car from a dealer and have been told that we would get a 12 month 'engine and gearbox' warranty from the garage. The car is early 2007 (Jan I think) so the manufacturers warranty should run out in about 6 months.

Is this 'engine and gearbox' warranty normal? What else do dealer warranties usually cover, electrics etc.?

12 months seems normal if stingy in my opinion. Recently I asked in a VW garage about a 2008 car and they wouldn't cover it for 12 months! Just the balance of the manufacturers warranty. From another source I heard the same dealer is struggling. Well no wonder if they've no faith in what they are selling. Some other dealers were only doing 6 months even on car only a couple of years old.

Usually warranties cover the major mechanicals, engine, gearbox etc but might not cover others things like ECU, electrics etc. So you'd have to check the details of specific warranty. Especially if its a car thats known for electrical gremlins etc. I've heard that some dealers don't do the manufacturers used 2yr warranty but do their own 12 month warranty because its more comprehensive.
Most garages offer the option of buying an extended warranty but salesmen "forget" to mention it because of the extra paperwork. You could ask if they offer this and then do some haggling on the cost of it.