DCC closing affordable housing list


Registered User
Haven't seen this posted anywhere (apologies if I missed it). DCC are closing their affordable housing list in a couple weeks to allow them review the scheme.

They say they will re-open it next year.
Could you post a link to where you read this news please? Or did you speak to someone in he council?

Those on the list at present would have received an application form for the next lotto (closing date April 11) and they only do these once a year so is this what you are referring to?
No, they are actually closing down the list meaning that from the closing date and until further notice no more names will be put on the list. Theoretically the draws are supposed to be done at more regular intervals than once a year! They are saying that besides allowing them to review the scheme, this will also give the people already on the list a better chance so it seems they are at least hoping to have another draw before the list is opened again.

I don't have a link, but I've seen a council report saying this and the housing minister has confirmed it in the Dáil. Not surprisingly the council itself is not bending over backwards to let the public know.
Interesting, good for people on the list I suppose, not so good for those who have yet to apply! And not too fair they haven't informed the public as you say.
Good when I first applied for affordable housing there was a closing date of 20th August 2004. Its ludicrous for DCC to keep on accepting €50.00 when they know there isn't enough affordable homes for all applicants.
They also have a cheek to call it a lottery.
Most lotteries have an entry/ticket fee and a closing date. Think national lottery for instance!!! Car draws!!! Hamper draws etc!!!!

Over 10,000 have applied for affordable housing with Dublin City Council since it was first advertised. Thats a nice little earner for Dublin City Council.

Over €500,000 in application fees alone.

Since I applied in August 2004 I have received 4 newsletters with approx 1200 apartments on offer. Thats on average 300 apartments a year. Their website states a draw will be held at regular intervals. That's not regular.

Other unfair aspects of the Scheme include
Some properties kept aside for people residing in the Area. This is great if you live in an area with lots of development but not so great if you reside in an area with little development.
DCC are scum! Like the rest of the political bodies in this country.

Well said mrsk.