DB London Spezial: very good value European train ticket


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In case anybody is considering touring Germany, or Europe in general, I'd like to point out one of the best value train tickets in Europe.

It's offered by Deutsch Bahn, and it's called the London Spezial.


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It's a ticket from London to anywhere in Germany, from 49 one-way.

It involves taking a Eurostar train from London St. Pancras to Brussels (8 daily), then changing onto a DB train to Koln and Frankfurt (3-4 daily).

You change in Koln or Frankfurt for other German destinations.

Salzburg in Austria is classified as a German destination, as is Basel in Switzerland.

The Eurostar on it own would be 40 stg minimum, so 49 euro is excellent value.

More info here:

Probably a good one to keep an eye on, too as the direct connection from London is planned to be extended to Köln/Cologne and Düsseldorf in the next year or two (which means it could happen by, oh, 2020 or so ). I'm a big fan of the man in seat 61 - it's a great website to check before travelling.

There are very limited seats at the 49 price.

You need to book well in advance.

But the fare does exist!!!!

I feel Eurostar don't like selling their seats to DB at such a low prices, probably very few seats available.

Also, in Bruss, you must switch onto the DB train to Koln. You can't get this fare on the more frequent Thalys trains to Koln.

06:50 depart London
10:07 Bruss

2h17 journey time, 18 mins to change trains

10:25 depart Bruss on ICE train (best train in Europe)
12:15 Koln
13:30 Frankfurt

3h05 mins from Bruss to Frankfurt

13:54 depart Frankfurt on another ICE
17:12 arrive Munich
ISalzburg in Austria is classified as a German destination, as is Basel in Switzerland.[/URL]

And from Basel you can make it to Milan for 23 francs! Seems like there are lots of rail offers out there right now.
Lowest fare now increased from 49 to 59 euro for London to Germany, but still very good value.