I had to make a short trip today that necessitated the use of a dual-carriageway. Conditions were bad due to heavy rain and spray from cars. I drove on dipped headlights and a rear fog light. Poverty spec car, all I had.
Several vehicles passed me at ferocious speeds in the r/h lane with no rear lights lit. Is it likely these cars are fitted with DRLs and the numbskull drivers don't understand that they have to take certain actions in adverse weather conditions, for their safety and that of other road users? These cars of course never indicated to overtake me, nor did they move back left once the overtake was complete, exercising their inalienable right to drive in the "fast lane" Two of the cars were noticeable as they were red, Cork-registered VOLVOs.
Is there any way AI or car designers could take over here and deduce that a cretin is driving and switch on the appropriate lights at least? Slowing him/her down or operating the indicators or steering might be just a step too far.
Several vehicles passed me at ferocious speeds in the r/h lane with no rear lights lit. Is it likely these cars are fitted with DRLs and the numbskull drivers don't understand that they have to take certain actions in adverse weather conditions, for their safety and that of other road users? These cars of course never indicated to overtake me, nor did they move back left once the overtake was complete, exercising their inalienable right to drive in the "fast lane" Two of the cars were noticeable as they were red, Cork-registered VOLVOs.
Is there any way AI or car designers could take over here and deduce that a cretin is driving and switch on the appropriate lights at least? Slowing him/her down or operating the indicators or steering might be just a step too far.