David Gray at the o2. What did you think?


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Went to David Gray at the o2 Saturday night with standing tickets. He's a fantastic singer however I was less impressed with the set-up. Just wondering if anyone else spotted this.

Firstly, the venue was freezing to the point that everyone kept their coats on all night. It was a cold night out but this was actually icy.
The neon blue lights towards the back stayed on for the duration of the gig which was a distraction as the majority of his songs are softly sung. The noise coming from the bar area was unbelieveable. It was the same as sitting in the middle of a city centre bar and people stood around us having a full conversation while Mr Gray belted out Sail away with me. I have seen the killers play there too and for some reason it didn't bother me then, perhaps because they would have drowned out any chat.

We gave in and moved up closer to the stage. A group of men (not even teenagers) to our left lit up cigarettes and puffed away and it got a bit rough so we moved again and there were no bouncers in sight to look after this (perhaps because they were preparing to go to the exits).

Throughout the gig, there were guys going around with big rucksacks full of alcohol through the crowds and at one point hit the lady in front of me with his bag and knocked her drink.

I just felt cheated. David Gray is fantastic. In my opinion his venue let him down. Surely anyone that wanted a drink could have walked back to the bar and better still, surely they could separate the drink area from the stage so as to look after those that were actually there to see him sing, or even better again it could go back to the way it was in the point; have your drink before the gig and allow none where the acts are playing.

Just my opinion
I was at this gig,and to be perfectly honest,I was so happy to hear and see david grey that I didnt notice anything else!!
He was stunningly amazing,It was fantastic to see so many people of so many different ages all enjoying the same songs.
There was guys walking around with the rucksack beer,but hey, I liked that too,very handy..
I think that as the standing area wasnt packed it was possibly colder that if it had been full.
I loved every single second of it ,the sound was amazing,I was glad it wasnt packed to the gills and he gave it everything.
Being able to have a drink during the show is IMHO just fantastic.
I remember posting a similer thread to this after seeing Bruce in the RDS over the summer, change the name of the venue, and the artist, and it could have been the same concert. It's Ireland, and we have a belief in this country that we need drink to enjoy ourselves

Don't kid yourself that its only Irish that drink at big gigs.

I didnt "need " drink, but I "wanted " it..
Nice that we can be adult about it though and make the decision as whether or not to have one or seven...
I didnt "need " drink, but I "wanted " it..
Nice that we can be adult about it though and make the decision as whether or not to have one or seven...

Yes but how about separating the bar area from the stage area if only to black it out for a better experience thus keeping everyone happy? I do agree that adults can choose how much drink they consume, but it's very distracting when you have a guy with a big rucksack on his back pushing two bottles of Carlsberg into your face.

Aty least you got to go............i had to work and missed it
My first David Gray concert was in Vicars Street years ago before White Ladder etc. Buddy was in to him years before that and dragged me along. Super gig with his drummer constantly taking the mick out of him the way he was bobbing his head. Super venue too with the stage on the longest end - everone gets a good view. Saw him in the point a few years ago when he was hugh here and thought the venue was a bit too big for him - think his music is to intimate/personal for the Point/02. Favourite album is Century Ends - think it might go on tonight now to join my hot whiskey
So is it only a matter of time before his head actually falls off then?