David Bowie is 63 today!!


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Happy Birthday to the thin white duke.

What a genius. Sadly due to recent heart problems it looks like touring may be out for the future - which is a great pity as he was on top form during his last few shows.

Someone said (and it may have been Noel Gallagher of all people) that he is "...easily as important as Elvis or The Beatles - and think about it, there were four of them and Elvis didn't even write his own songs" :)

An incredibly influential and diverse artist.
Happy Birthday to the thin white duke.

What a genius. Sadly due to recent heart problems it looks like touring may be out for the future - which is a great pity as he was on top form during his last few shows.

Someone said (and it may have been Noel Gallagher of all people) that he is "...easily as important as Elvis or The Beatles - and think about it, there were four of them and Elvis didn't even write his own songs" :)

An incredibly influential and diverse artist.

Great post. (And Elvis was 75 the same day, by the way).

Bowie was a power house. Great artist in the very widest sense. I love his music. One of the few of his songs that I can take or leave is The Jean Genie. Every time I hear the intro on the radio, I'm wishing it was Blockbuster by Sweet. :(
Saw him live at the Point a few years back - fantastic gig, with an amazing back catalogue to draw from.
Bowie, in my opinion is the best artist of all time. His albums in the 70's ( Low , Heroes , Young Americans, Diamond Dogs, Station to Station, Ziggy Stardust, Lodger, Aladdin Sane, Space Oddity, The man who sold the world, Hunky Dory) and Scary Monsters in 1980 are an unequalled volume of work. His concerts in the point in 2003 were just fantastic.
Bowie, in my opinion is the best artist of all time.

Yep, mine too.

Space Oddity, Aladdin Sane & Young Americans were slightly iffy IMO. Well only in the sense that they were not utter classics - which the rest definitely were. (I always exlude Pin Ups and the live ones)
I must say I love Young Americans from that period. Some of the later stuff like Outside, Heathen and Reality are great. The albums best forgotten for me are the 2 tin machine and Never let me down.
Yeah I think Heathen & Reality are good too - and Earthling. In fact I think Outside is actually one of his best. I don't actively dislike YA by the way - It's just that I think it's a cut below the other 70s albums.

The albums best forgotten for me are the 2 tin machine and Never let me down.
Well I agree on that. Tonight was poor too. Come to think of it, only half of Let's Dance was any good either. In fact Scary Monsters aside, let's pretend he didn't release anything in the 80s eh? :)

I wonder does he have any more truly classic albums in him though? We might be surprised.
Heart problems in a thin man at 63?

Is this some of his former [or current] excesses coming back to haunt him?

One of my favourite artists of all time, swivel-hipped and odd-eyed though he be.

Is this some of his former [or current] excesses coming back to haunt him?

Possibly - but as he gave up drink and drugs decades ago I'd say it's more likely that his 40+ fags a day (which AFAIK he has quit since his attack) were to blame.