Daughter diagnoised with juvenile arthritis



hi all im really new to this my friend told me about this site my daughter has been diagnoised with juvenile arthritis and i was wondering if you could tell me would there be anything i would be entitled too, I am currently on lone parent with no contact at all with the father, My daughter is 4 years and be's in a lot of pain i am out a fortune heating the house for her and dreading the winter. she wakes up in screaming with pain nearly every nite and at times the 2 feet swell that much she cannot walk any advice on what i would be entitled to would be appreciated thank you all in advance
Do you have a medical card? If not, apply for one on www.medicalcard.ie

If your child requires additional heating due to her medical condition, you might get assistance with a heating allowance or help with the bills. Talk to your local Community Welfare Officer, usually based at your local health centre. You will be asked to complete an application form, and will probably need a letter from your GP or specialist.

You might be eligible for Domiciliary Care Allowance (DCA), which is dealt with by the HSE.

There's more information on it here: Domiciliary Care Allowance
In terms of other support for you and your daughter, you could contact Arthritis Ireland,
Juvenile Arthritis

If you need support or just an ear to bend, there is now The Irish Children's Arthritis Network (iCAN). Look us up on facebook.
We are a volunteer group of parents who have children with arthritis, so we know the stresses, trials and issues surrounding JIA.